Chapter 19- Kyle

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Chapter 19- Kyle

 After crawling around for a while, I found a flashlight. *Thank Goodness* I flickered the source of light on and found that I wasn't in a room, but a hallway. Slowly, I walked through the narrow, tunnel-like path. It was clear that the path was going downwards at a pretty steep angle. A few steps forward, I heard a sound, and then saw a point of light. I had nowhere to hide in the hall, so I decided to face the other light source.

Using my flashlight, the first thing I saw was a pair of shoes, and then the outline of a person's body. After a few moments, I realized that the other source of light came from Amanda. I called out her name just to make sure and she answered back.

The two of us met halfway. Like usual, Amanda was in her grumpy mood. I'm not saying that she's not nice, but that she just gets grumpy sometimes.

"I was hiding in a closet in the kitchen and a stupid apple some stupid person left on the ground made me trip, fall against a wall, which sent me into this stupid place." she complained.

"Do you know a way out?" I asked, trying not to laugh about the apple part.

"There was a door that seemed like it couldn't be opened from the inside." she answered. Even though the door I fell through probably opened the same way, it would be easier to get someone's attention on the door Amanda fell through.

The two of us ran back to the door Amanda came from and started banging on it.

"This probably won't work," I thought to myself, "But it's always worth a try." Only thirty seconds after Amanda and I started banging, the door was opened by Jonelis and Adam, who were both holding baseball bats. They both stared at us in amazement and automatically lowered their bats.

Amanda and I walked out and I found myself in a small corner almost identical to the one upstairs. The same small nook with one metal wall and two normal ones. Walking out of the corner, we found ourselves in the main kitchen. It turned out that Jonelis and Adam were sacrificed by the group to find out who was in the kitchen closet because everyone else was sitting in the kitchen, waiting to see what they would find. Earl was holding another baseball bat, Sam, an encyclopedia, and Daniela, a phone.

Felicia pulled out two chairs from a random table, and made us sit in it as we told what happened. Once we finished explaining, Felicia broke the news: Amanda and I had fallen into a secret passageway between two floors. Felicia also said that she thought we just wanted to stay hidden for a little longer and wouldn't have guessed where we went unless noted otherwise.

"After all," she informed us, "The last time I used the passageway was about a year ago. My parents don't let me travel through it because they think it's 'dangerous'".

I looked at my watch. It was 11:30.

"Is it almost time done for lunch?" Daniela asked smiling.

"My dad's setting up the grill for lunch outside," Felicia told us, "Why don't we all go outside?"

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