Chapter 9- Kate

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Chapter - Kate

My eyebrows went up as I fell backwards into the snow.

"What are you doing here John?" I screamed in my head. I took out my phone and texted him immediately.

He shrugged and muttered, "Never mind that. Hiding from the snow. You don't need to text just talk..."

I texted back two words: I can't

"Oh," John said in a small voice.  

Well, I texted, Then that's that. Lets just forget about what happened. We're going to Leas house to save Kyle. Let's go.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" he exclaimed, "You're not certified to drive yet!"

I sighed. 

Who cares? I texted once more, Buckle your seat belt or have fun trying to walk home. You're choice.

To my surprise, we got to Lea's house in less than five minutes. It seemed like that as soon as the snow stopped, all of the snow shoveling trucks went to work right away.

But pulling into Lea's driveway was a different story. They hadn't shoveled. I groaned. So I just pulled up at the front of the house and tried to work through the snow. I managed to, and John and I made it to the front door. I knocked hard on the front door, which... fell apart, literally. 

John and I just stepped over the pile of broken wood and entered the house. Ivan greeted us at the entrance. He ushered us into the living room, where Lea and Kyle were sitting.

"Why are you here?" Lea asked John. I ditched him to answer on his own and walked around, feeling lightweight and free. It was great to be outside again. I don't even know how long I was in the hospital. Kyle walked over to me and he grinned. 

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