Chapter 112- Hunter

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The school was a big pile of smoldering ash... metaphorically.

The school had cooled down and things were pretty much returning to normal. Winter break was like heaven. Nothing to worry about except for hanging out with friends.

Last week, we had the funeral for Mr. Stone at the cemetery a couple of blocks away. I was a large one, since all of the students, and well as the whole police department, were invited. At first I didn't really want to go, but I guess attending the service was the right thing to do.

A service was also done for all of the deceased, everyone from Adam to Jonelis. The whole town, as well as people from all over the U.S. flocked over to the town hall for the service. A crowd over 5,000 people crowed inside and around the building as the mayor gave a speech and invited some of the students to talk. I sat in the front seat, silent. I seemed that everywhere you looked, someone was crying.

Reporters flashed their cameras and crowded us with so many questions that it was starting to make me sick. I probably wouldn't have made it our alive if it wasn't for Alyssa pulling me away from the crowd.

Mrs. Cinch and Terry moved away as soon as things were settling down. I don't think anyone missed them. But what I thought was the most awesome part of the year was when Finn admitted to me that he and Electra were spies, though he wasn't a very good one. He also told me that Electra had had cleared up the stuff with all the blackmail.

Topher had gone on a long vacation, as he had said, to somewhere. I think maybe a mountain or someplace? However, Alyssa, who was much better now, Finn, and I always had fun going snowboarding and skiing.

On the other hand, some things have not exactly quieted down. The police were still searching frantically for clues to tie all of the murders together to Mr. Laken. Parents and friends of the deceased showed up at the station showed up daily asking for more information. But the case was far from closed...

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