Chapter 80- Jonelis

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In fact, in less than two minutes after Hunter said that, the doorbell rang, signaling that the pizza had been delivered.

"I'll help you get it," Katerina said, getting from her spot on the couch. She walked over with Kate, and each of them grabbed a box of pizza and heaved it towards the kitchen while Hunter paid for them. "Grab one, Jonelis," she told me, handing me a box.

Silently, I took the box and moved it to the kitchen. I had become much more used to Katerina's presence now. In fact, I actually felt more comfortable with her around.

I stacked my pie on top of Kate's as everyone started piling into the kitchen. Kyle was holding a table cloth and threw it onto of the table, along with some paper plates and cups.

"Finn, Topher, can you help set up the tablecloth?" Alyssa asked, "I'll get the soda from the fridge."

I must have looked uncomfortable or stiff, because Angela came up to me, handed me a slice of cheese pizza, and told me to relax and eat. Khione sat on my left with two slices of pepper pizza and Zara sat on my right, with a slice of pineapple. I went up and poured myself a cup of Coke and came back to see Khione spitting her pizza out onto her plate. That really didn't improve my appetite.

"This had to be red pepper?" She practically screamed, "I thought that pizza places only served green pepper now!" Everybody stared at her like something was wrong except for Zara, who told her that the green pizza was in the top half of the third box.

I felt that if Lauren was here, she would have been screaming at her for making such a stupid mistake. Lindsay and Kyle, who were standing, due to the lack of chairs, were having a pretty nervous conversation that involved a lot of questions.

Still, we made everything seem festive and lively, talking about everyone's summers, laughing about things that had happened, and bringing up the people that used to be in our G&T class. I looked over to my right and saw that Zara was no longer eating.

Instead, she had a small sketchpad out and was drawing with a charcoal pencil. Her picture was a small animal, a fox to be exact.

"That's really good Zara!" I said. She looked up and her cheeks turned a shade of red.

By the time dinner was finished, it was already 8:00. Khione and Kate left almost right away, having to get back home. Kate needed to look after her brother Patrick, who I just found out was also mute, and I guess Khione found the whole party sort of lame.We were all cleaning up when Hunter asked, "Hey, there's a new horror movie out tonight and begins at 9:00. Anyone want to come?" 

"Sorry," Lindsay answered, "I need to get home. My family's leaving for vacation tomorrow at 4:00 and I need to finish packing."

"Me too," Alyssa answered, "I have two siblings at home to take care of."

I went on my phone and texted my mom if it was okay. And for once, yes, for once, she answered yes! She's always been to overprotective but I guess she thought this was going to be alright. Or maybe she just wanted to get rid of me for the rest of the night... Who knows?

Angela also left, saying that she wasn't interested in scary movies. Zara was pretty happy about this idea and said yes with no hesitation. She had packed away her sketch pad but was still tightly gripping her charcoal pencil.

"So, it's the five boys, Zara, Katerina, and Jonelis,"Hunter announced, "Let's go." The eight of us all grabbed some money and headed out

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