Chapter 28- Kyle

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Chapter 28- Kyle

"How did you escape?"

"Where will you hide?"

"What should we do if the police get here?"

"Wait, should we even be hiding a murderer?"

Our voices bounced off the kitchen walls and turned the conversation into a jumble of words.

"You find me a place to hide while I take a shower," Katerina commanded the three of us as she went up the stairs two at a time, looking for a bathroom. Marie didn't bother showing her where it was.

With nothing to distract us but the sound of the shower, Marie, Lindsay, and I looked for a good hiding place. Lindsay was still a little iffy on whether or not hiding Katerina was the right thing to do, but still went along with it.

Then, I heard the sudden sound of police sirens. I peeked out of the white curtains in the kitchen and saw two or three police cars headed our way. 

The door opened...


The bathroom door, thank goodness.

Katerina was done, wearing a tight fitting black suit, and by the look of shock on Marie and Lindsay's faces when I told them about the police cars, they didn't find a good hiding spot. I guess Marie's house doesn't have any secret passageways...

Still, Katerina didn't panic. Someone started knocking on the front door, Lindsay looked through the peephole and yes, it was the police. I looked into the dining room and saw something interesting. The dining room table was filled with chairs on all sides, somewhere good for a temporary hiding place. I told Katerina to wriggle in between the chairs and the tables so if the officers looked under the table, which would be highly unlikely, they will still not see you. Without saying a word, she crept into the small space. It wasn't like there was anything else she could do.

I mouthed to Marie to let the officers in, which she did with a sigh. Lindsay and I stood next to her. The officers immediately began searching Marie's house, every single nook and cranny. 

We are doomed! I thought.

And we were. All hope would have been lost if Lindsay didn't have a sudden epiphany.

"Wait, hold on!" she protested, causing them to freeze momentarily and look at her, "Where's your search warrant! You have no right to invade a house without a search warrant at the very least!"

"We were instructed to search for an escaped prisoner, so you better let us work," a female officer snapped.

"So you're just going to invade every house in the neighborhood looking blindly for this prisoner?" I added.

The officer backed up a bit. "Okay," she said in a surprisingly calm voice, "We'll be back with a search warrant."

Quite reluctantly, they left. Lindsay and I high-fived each other and then turned to Marie, who was also smiling. I turned around, and suddenly realized that Katerina, who was supposed to be under the table, was now gone. Looking out the back window, I saw a black figure running far, far away.

"You should be getting ready to go home now," Marie told Lindsay and I, "It's getting late."

After saying bye to Marie, Lindsay and I headed home. We had texted our parents that we'll walk home together and that a ride would be unnecessary. 

On the way home, I got an email from Marie. It read: The police were back with a search warrant! They searched the house, but couldnt find anythng. One of them knocked over my moms antique vase collection and the vases broke. They told my mom (who was in hysterics), my dad, and I that they would pay for what they broke. My dad started yelling at them saying how the police department would go out of business because mom's vases were worth at least a mill. dollars. We're going to be rich!

The meteor shower stopped, but a crescent moon arched over our heads as Lindsay and I walked home, holding hands. We stopped at her house first.

"That was fun, Kyle," she said, "Maybe we should do something like this again sometimes."

"Sure, that would be great," I replied, "See you tomorrow."

Smiling to myself, I walked home, savoring the moment.

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