Chapter 111- Angela

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I was the only one that the officers didn't speak to yet, but I guess our talk could wait. An important looking officer ran in with an important looking thing in a plastic baggie and handed it to my officer, who immediately walked away with it, leaving me in the police room by myself.

I sat in my chair, waiting, and waiting. I tried to fall asleep, but I just wasn't tired right now. I didn't have my phone, so there was nothing for me to entertain myself with. After what seemed to be hours, my officer walked in.

"Sorry to keep you waiting kid," he told me, "But we got some really important evidence and just arrested the murderer."

My ears perked up right away.

"Maybe as an apology..." the officer continued, "I'll tell you who did it..."

I smiled. "Yes, that would be great!" I didn't want to sound too excited, but still, it was hard to still be in a bad mood.

The officer told me the name.

"Wait what?" I asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yep," the officer answered, "We pulled his fingerprint off of a plate in the basement. You know, it's funny how when everyone thought that since the murderer was part of your class, it had to be a kid. Who knew it would end up being Mr. Laken?"

"But- but it doesn't make any sense!" I exclaimed, "He has no motive whatsoever and... and just why?"

"We'll try to find out his motive in the station as we try to get more proof," the officer replied, "We don't even know if he's sane or not. What kind of teacher keeps a knife collection inside of a classroom? Com'on Angela, I'll take you out."

Speechless, I followed the officer to the front.

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