Chapter 68- Ivan

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July 27th, 11:00pm: I had tried to take a nap during the day, but obviously my body had no intentions of resting any further. Back at the airport, my mom went to cash in the rest of our food tickets. I was expecting her to bring back cinnamon buns or something, but instead she came back with a tray that held five large cups of coffee.

"Drink up if you're thinking about staying awake for the rest of the flight," she said, handing a cup to everyone. I took a sip out of my coffee and winced. A bitter taste completely overwhelmed my taste buds.

Putting my coffee down at a nearby table, I added in five packets of sugar and a fancy French creamer. I took another sip and found the coffee much more tolerable. We sat down near our terminal, waiting for the attendant to call our group.

Since we got tickets at the last second, we had gotten seats all the way at the back of the pane, right in front of the bathroom, which we expected to be very disgusting by the end of the flight. By the time we boarded, Chris and my mom had both drained their cups of Starbucks coffee and threw the cups into a trash can. My dad, Liam, and I, on the other hand, were all wondering what to do with the drink.

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