Chapter 3- Kyle

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Chapter 3- Kyle

It fell fast. A knife from Mr. Laken's collection came down and fell onto Kate's head, slicing through her flesh, knocking her out. A small pool of blood formed.

"Where's the magic wands?" John asked stupidly.

"There are no wands! This is an earthquake, stupid!" Paige answered, rolling her eyes.

I thought earthquakes didn't occur that often in the winter? I thought to myself.

I remember learning in science that earthquakes occur when two plates in the Earth slide past each other at a fault line. I was trying to figure out which fault lines may have caused the earthquake, when suddenly, the flashing lights caught my attention. Though I was under Mr. Laken's expensive desk, it still was dangerous.

Mr. Laken scanned the room, realized that Kate was down, and started dialing the ER. 

He'd better do this fast before the power goes out, I thought to myself as I ducked to avoid a flying desk.

"Kyle, Marie, and Jacob, go into the teacher's lounge and get help!" Mr. Laken shouted over the rumbling noise.

The three of us were closest to him and just happened to be the first people he saw. I immediately stood up, caught the sight of Kate covered in blood, and headed for the door. I was never a fan of blood, which was why being a doctor was never on my list of possible future jobs. 

The three of us ran as fast as our legs could take us (though Jacob isn't that fast) to the teacher's lounge downstairs. On our way there, we were constantly grabbing onto things to avoid the flying objects that were flying towards us due to the earthquake.

At one point, a swivel chair flew at Marie and she ducked it just in time. I also peeked into other classrooms to see that they were also trying to take cover in this natural disaster. A computer got dislodged from a tangle of wires and hit a student in the back of the head. A few girls screaming like the world was going to end. Teachers talking frantically on the phone. Students taking selfies on their phone and most likely posting it on Snapchat. Our school had it all.

The next classroom I peeked into was Miss Kine's, my social studies teacher. She had build some sort of fort with desks and chairs. Students were crowded in the fort while Miss Kine added more items from the classroom to it.

As soon as we entered teacher's lounge, all of us realized that there were no teachers in there. Marie and Jacob both called out trying to locate a teacher, but had no luck. Typical.

"This is useless," Jacob remarked.

At that moment, the light flickered a few times, then and went out. All three of us knew that it wouldn't be coming back on for a while. A few moments later, the earthquake had died down. Marie suggested to go back to the classroom. I countered her statement by saying that we needed to find more teachers since Kate was in trouble.

Jacob proved to us that neither decision could be accomplished since the door leading out of the teacher's lounge was tightly jammed, if not locked altogether. 

So much for automatic doors and advanced technology, I thought to myself.

All three of us were now stuck in the teacher's lounge. Just great!

Suddenly, we heard an ambulance siren blaring in the distance. The blaring sound filled my ears as the noise got closer and closer. My heart pounded with hope.

"They're probably here for Kate," said Marie. She was now pacing back and forth around the circumference of the room, thinking.

Jacob just sat on a table, looking rather tired.

"Hey, maybe we could pound on the door and hope they realize that we are stuck in here!" I blurted out. At the moment, I was getting desperate. I wasn't claustrophobic, but I was ready to break down the door if needed.

Marie, Jacob, and I lined up next to each other by the door and pounded on the door with our fists, hoping to get the people's attention. To our dismay, all the nurses and doctors rushed past us, probably headed for the injured. One nurse carrying a stretcher momentarily looked at the three of us, giving me a tiny twinge of hope. However, she quickly rushed away, probably realizing that helping the injured was more important than rescuing 3 weird kids locked in the teacher's lounge.

All hope was about to be lost when we heard this:

"Ding!" One of those notification thingies on a phone sounded.

"Hey, use your phone to call someone, Marie!" I exclaimed. Marie always had her phone on her.

"That wasn't my phone." she replied flatly, "I left mine in the ELA room. Oh, I hope it isn't cracked! I just got it, like, last week!"

"It wasn't mine either," Jacob added. That was no surprise, since Jacob barely even used his phone.

Suddenly, as if on cue, we all turned around. On one of the lounge tables, all the way in the back of the dark room, was an Android cell phone.

I grabbed the phone and unlocked it easily, since there was no password. This was one of the many cons of having an Android phone. Who would invent a design like this? 

Now, I started to feel lucky. Once I got into the phone, the screen read Hello, Marc Laken.

"This is Mr. Laken's phone?" Jacob asked, who was behind me, "Why would a teacher leave his phone lying in the middle of the teacher's lounge when it doesn't even have a password?" He had snuck up on me from behind, causing me to jump forward a little.

Slowly, I pressed a few buttons on the phone. 

"You know what?" I told them, "I'm going to call Lea." I had memorized her number a while ago, and for once, I found it useful.


"Hey, Lea."

"Oh, hello Kyle, what's the problem?"

"We are stuck in teacher's lounge. The doors are somehow jammed. Do you think you can tell Mr. Laken that we are stuck in here? You know, anyone's fine, actually."

"Sorry, I can't."

"How come?"

"I'm not with Mr. Laken."

"Then where are you?"

"I'm stuck in the girl's bathroom with a bunch of screaming buffoons that think that the world's ending. Sorry, gotta go. Bye!"

I tried not to laugh. Her problem was much worse than ours. "Bye then... I guess."

The second I hung up the phone, I saw from the corner of my eye that Jacob was charging for the door. Before I could warn him that the door was metal and ramming into it wouldn't break it down, he crashed into the door, hard. 

Crunch, the sickening sound caused Marie and I to cringe.

Jacob was stumbling towards us holding his arm in pain. We weren't doctors, but all of us knew that the arm was broken.

"Well, now at least we can get some people to pay attention to us," he moaned.

Just 5 minutes later, we decided that it would be best to call the police, even though they were already in the building. We made up a cover-up story about something that happened during an aftershock so Jacob wouldn't sound stupid if the police asked how he had broken his arm.


For the next 3 days, school was closed due to the heavy repairs that needed to be made before the school opened again. On the fourth day, we all went to visit Kate because we heard she was starting to wake up. No matter how hard I tried, I could still not get that image of her out of my head.

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