Chapter 81- Jonelis

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The jog to the movie theater wasn't that long, but I was still extremely out of breath by the time we got there. I may be smart enough to be in G&T, but it doesn't mean I'm a good athlete.

We arrived at 8:40, twenty minutes before the show was going to start, though Kyle reminded us that there would be at least another ten minutes of commercials and trailers. At the ticket booth, we combined our money and purchased eight tickets at a discounted price, (Finn had a coupon) and walked in.

Everyone went straight to the concession stands to make purchases except for Zara and I. We walked in the theater to find our seats and in a few minutes, the rest of the crew came to join us.

It was in the middle of a movie trailer when I realized the two girls in front of us, who were talking quite loudly. "I wish they'd just be a little quieter," I said to Katerina.

My words apparently didn't register into Katerina's mind because she focused to the two girls in front of her and nudged Kyle. He looked at the two girls as well, and then as if on cue, both of them poked the girls in the head. I watched in my chair, speechless.

In a flash, both girls whipped their heads back in a flash, but their anger faces soon turned to smiles when they spotted Katerina and Kyle.

"Emily, Angelique!" Kyle said with a smile, "What are you guys doing all the way over here?"

"We came to visit Sam and Jamoko," the one named Emily said, "We weren't just friends with Lea, you know."

"It's so great to see you!" The girl named Angelique said, "What are you doing? That's a really big group of people." She and Emily looked down the line at all of our other friends sitting and chatting.

"Oh, it's just some of our friends from school," Katerina said casually.

"That's nice," Emily said. She reached under her t-shirt and took out a lot, yes a lot, of stuff. She pulled out three bags of candy, two bottles of water, and some granola bars. Angelique had two wrapped sandwiches and a few bags of chips.

"We didn't have dinner yet," Angelique explained, "so we decided to smuggle some food in."

"Oh okay," Kyle replied, "I thought that you had gained weight." The four of them all laughed.

At that point, the lights began to dim and the noise in the room disappeared. Emily and Angelique turned their heads around as the movie began.

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