Chapter 2- Kate

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Chapter 2- Kate

After school, Lori went to play rehearsal, leaving me to walk out of the school alone. I was really unhappy about this because I hate walking alone. I decided to walk to Starbucks across the street, and just as I was about to leave, Adam approached me by the cafeteria doors.

"Um, hey Kate," He began awkwardly, "Would you like to swing by my house and play some video games?"

I felt as if my insides were about to burst, but I did my best to keep my face neutral. I didn't think anyone was staring at us, which made the moment even more special. We were in our own little bubble and nothing could ruin it.

"Uh, sure..." I answered casually, trying to keep my cool. I'm sure neither my mom nor my brother would mind, but I decided to text my mom just in case.

From across the room, I made eye contact with Lauren, who mouthed, "Good luck!"

He told me to bring my sweats, since his house was usually cold from wind drafts. When I arrived, he opened the door with a smile. He had a bag of chips in one hand, and his sweatshirt in the other. 

"Well isn't this the cutest romance story?", I heard Lori's voice say inside my head.

As it turned out, his parents weren't home, so I was allowed to yell and curse as loud as I wanted when I lost at COD. And I did. A lot. No, I didn't lose a lot. I yelled a lot.

However, towards the end of the night, he told me that I should sleepover since I was pretty far away from home and my mom needed to take care of my brother Patrick. A boy and a girl sleeping over is something the majority of moms would object to, especially those who have children about my age. Luckily, my mom wasn't part of the "majority".

Just have fun and don't burn the house down! My mom texted me. She told me a few years back that she had been in my shoes many times before and knew how to correct all the mistakes her parents made while raising her.


Tick tock. The annoying clock in Adam's guest room just wouldn't shut up. We both couldn't fall asleep at all. I laid on the bed for a few minutes, thinking about how weird and wonderful the day was, and then walked up the stairs to Adam's room. His door was wide open, but I still knocked. 

"Come in," he had said. I politely asked if he wanted to play some more COD, and he responded yes in a surprisingly enthusiastic voice. We played all night, blasting evil guys and killing the opposing team. I love Adam. I really do.

"Where are you're parents?" I asked him. It was the middle of the night and neither of them were home.

"Month long 'business trip' in Hawaii," he responded grimacing, "They're probably just on vacation though. My dad didn't pack a single suit or tie."


We walked into school the next day hand-in-hand and got a few strange glances. Things like this don't happen everyday. Besides, the majority of the glances came from Lori. She pulled me away from Adam just as he was about to whisper something into my ear. Lori must have mistaken it for a sign of "affection". I waved goodbye quickly as I was being tugged across the floor.

"What's up with that?" Lori asked with a look of interest on her face. I explained it all. Her reaction, well, let's just say that it wasn't too good either. Her mouth hung open and she kept on mouthing "OMG... OMG..."

However, after I asked Lori what she did yesterday, she brightened up right away. Lori said, "I went to Justin's house last night and he told me that he really liked me." 

Her cheeks turned red as a tomato, her smile spreading across her entire face.

"Really?" Inside, I was telling myself that there was no way this was possible because I was talking with two of my other friends, Bri and Electra in gym earlier, and both of them said that Justin was already going out with Mango.

"Yup! I couldn't be happier!" Her mood changed so quickly that sometimes I wondered if she was bipolar.

Adam and Justin were both looking at us at the moment. When I looked at them, they turned to each other, as if examining each other's qualities. A few seconds later, they just left, parting in different directions. I did too, to leave Lori in the dirt. I didn't know why, but I was just sort of sick of her at the moment. 

Next, I heard a rumbling sound.

"Oh not again," I heard someone say. It was Jacob. He looked at me. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. The rumbling was comfortable, yet unbearable. It made my whole body tense up. We just stared at each other, as if we had been put in a sudden staring contest.

"What's happening?" I asked no one in specific, "Tell me!" I know I was being demanding, but this just has never happened before and was sort of freaking me out.

Then I saw a desk bounce up off of the ground. Then the next, and the next. One by one, desks bounced up, levitated in the air for what seemed like a few seconds, and then crashed back down to the ground. 

"Well this is what we get for buying cheap, lightweight desks!" Ivan said sarcastically. (Lauren overheard and later took this opportunity to complain to the board of education about bad school supplies.)

"Everyone take cover!" I heard Mr. Laken yell as we all scrambled for a safe place to hide. Coincidentally, he was just in the middle of pulling up a certain slide of a PowerPoint about conflict.

Why us? What did I ever do? 

I heard distant screams coming from the classroom opposite of us. It must be happening to them too. I then felt a surge of pain hit my head. The object that hit me felt sharp. I felt it cut through my brain. I opened my mouth, ready to scream, when my vision suddenly turned dark.

Then, it all went quiet. 

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