Chapter 83- Kyle

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Chapter 83- Kyle

It was no surprise that I didn't get a good night's rest. Even today, being the first day of school, I felt horrible. Yesterday, I had spent a good twenty minutes just to fit everything into my backpack! Note that it's especially hard to pack a box of 120 crayons without having any of them spill or break.

After brushing my teeth and making myself look at least somewhat presentable, I grabbed an apple, which would serve as my breakfast, and headed outside to wait for the bus...

The first person I saw at school was Felicia, who waved me over to the big rock pile, where we took a seat. I was still a little light-headed because this year's bus driver had a little problem of following the speed limits. Combined with all the screaming from the kids in the grade below us, it was all enough to make my head hurt.

"So, how was your summer?" Felicia asked as she put her bag on a big rock, "It looked like you had a lot more fun than me."

"You know how my summer was," I replied flatly, "We practically saw each other every single day for swim practice."

"You've gotten a lot tanner," Felicia said as the first bell rang.

Immediately, a giant group of kids surged forward into the school's front doors, much like water filling up an empty container when put under water. I used my height as an advantage and maneuvered through the crowd, trying to make it to my period one class. Felicia got lost somewhere past the main entrance.

There were so many unfamiliar faces in the halls today, but at least there weren't any of the guards we had last year...

Period one social studies, I walked in to find the whole gang, plus a few new additions, of course; Kate, Hunter, Ivan, Lindsay, Jonelis, Angela, Khione, and another new girl.

Zara, I think her name was. It was the girl from Hunter's party. I had no idea that she would be joining us this year. But what was odd about the class was that nobody was talking... at all.

Curious, I looked at the board. A picture of the classroom had been projected onto the whiteboard, telling us our seating assignments. Next to the projection, written in red expo marker, was No talking. Find your seat. Wait for the bell. I let out a small "oh" as I found my seat next to Lindsay and plopped all of my things down on the desk.

Out of the blue, the bell suddenly rang, signaling that start of first period. Our teacher stood up from behind her desk, and with a serious look on her face, walked to the center of the room. 

To be honest, I haven't noticed her until now, because as Hunter later said, "She was stealthily texting on her phone."

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