Chapter 54- Ivan

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July 23th, 6:00am: The airport was a horrible mess of cars, people, and suitcases. We inched along a thin, curving road to a place where we would be parking our cars. My head started to ache as the sound of car horns and people talking collided with my ears.

Finally, after 20 minutes of waiting, we left our car, took our suitcases out of the trunk, and began to walk to the airport. My dad and Chris were pulling two shiny black suitcases while my mom and Liam had hiking bags. I just stood in the background, holding two duffel bags stuffed with books, magazines, and some food.

The inside of the airport was no better. After the walk to the airport, I thought that we would finally get a few moments of rest. However, it ended up that we had to hurry to our plane before it started boarding. (We had bought first class seats, so we didn't have to wait in line for the security check.) The five of us half jogged to our terminal, which was conveniently located all the way on the other side of the airport.

By the time we were there, all of us were panting, but on the bright side, we got the boarding time mixed up with another terminal and were 40 minutes early. This was finally a time for us to relax. I reached into my pocket and patted it, noticing that it was empty. 

"I left my phone back in the car," I announced. 

Well, back to the car.

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