Chapter 73- Hunter

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A few days later, after camp had gotten into full swing, we had our first competition: canoeing. We had made teams of four, with Alyssa, Topher, and Finn on my team. Yesterday, we had practice with the oars, paddling, and balancing. Topher had quite a lot of trouble keeping up while Finn and Alyssa always had the urge to speed up, which wasn't a good combination.

At first, we had Finn and Alyssa both on one side of the canoe, which didn't end well because we kept on turning right. So, we ended up moving them on separate sides to avoid accidentally doing a 180 during the race. But I guess we weren't really that bad compared to some of the other teams.

Angela's canoe almost tipped into the water when two of the girls got on at the same time. Another group of boys got stuck with some seaweed at the shallow end of the lake and it took a pretty long time dragging them out.

Today was a final practice day and the weather was great! Alyssa and Finn lugged out our canoe from a shed located next to the lake and Topher and I grabbed the oars. After pulling them into the lake and inserting the oars in the holes, we got in, along with the other people practicing, and began to row.

We perfected all of our turns actually managed to stay in a straight line without curving all over the place! Surprisingly, we did awesome! We were just about to do one more lap around the lake when a loud whistle sounded throughout the lake.

Alyssa heard it first. "Guys! I think they're evacuating the lake, we should start heading back," she said.

"Sure," Finn snorted, "But if it was a just a false alarm, I'll be blaming you for losing our practice time."

Alyssa rolled her eyes, and realizing that we were the farthest away from the coast, began to paddle furiously. When we reached the coast, all four of us were sweating and my arms felt like they were going to fall off any moment now.

"Well I guess we can't blame Alyssa for ruining our practice," Topher moaned, "I've done enough exercise for the whole day."

At the shore, Angela found us and said that someone fell into the lake and was injured, so the lake was evacuated for safety. And with that, Finn, Topher, and I all trudged into the locker room and got ready for lunch.

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