Chapter 84- Kyle

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Chapter 84- Kyle

The second period chemistry class had shrunk, but not by that much.

I had already been in the upstairs chemistry room a few times last year, but it still amazes me. Giant, white lab tables line the backside of the room, while animal cages lined the other. The cages set up were pretty huge and one contained a bunch of white mice while the other one contained a large, coiled up boa constrictor that kept on looking through his cage into the one with mice.

The chemistry teacher stood at the door handing out small scraps of paper with numbers on them. Inside the room, tables were set into groups of four or five. On the back of each chair was a number, exactly like the ones we had.

Matching up the number in my hand with the one on the chair, I quickly found my seat. In front of me sat Electra, who, like Felicia, was only in the math and science classes with me. Next to me was Khione, and diagonal from me was a boy I had never seen before in my life.

"Hey, I'm Electra," Electra said, "Did you just move here?"

I thought that it was a pretty stupid question because how else could he have got here? I quickly added in, "I'm Kyle." Khione just stared at us, her head resting on her arm, looking bored. She managed to give a tired, half-enthusiastic wave.

"Uh, hi, I'm Terry," the boy said, "I just moved here from Florida over the summer. Uh, nice to meet you."

Seems reasonable, I thought to myself. Terry was extremely tan and had hair that was almost white, with blond streaks in it every so often.

As the three of us talked, Khione just looked at us, as if waiting for one of us to introduce her. So far, the only thing she did was wave her hand.

I cleared my throat, "Uhm... Across from you is Khione. She can be a little moody sometimes."

I hoped that I didn't sound too mean, but like usual, I realized that I was wrong when I got a kick to the shin from under the table.

"Well, that's nice," Terry said a little uncomfortably, "I missed first period today, social studies. What did you do today?"

Realizing that he was posing the question towards me, I was just about to answer when the bell rang and the teacher walked in, yawning.

"I'm Mr. Stone, your G&T chemistry teacher for the year. This year you will learn about the periodic table, some animals, and many types of chemicals. I'm a little touchy on experiments, but we will do them from time to time."

He said this all very slow, as if he was half human and half sloth. At this point, he took a swig of coffee from a mug and continued. "The mice I'm raising in the back are to feed the python, whose our class pet. I'll make sure that all of you have a chance to feed her. Yes, the snake is a she."

"Excuse me, Mr. Stone," Angela suddenly said, raising her hand up into the air.

"Yes..." he answered, "Miss..."

"LeGrande. Angela LeGrande," Angela replied without missing a beat, "The snake you have back there is actually not a python. Because it has short fangs and a hood like shape on its scales, you can tell that it's a cobra." She said all of this in one, extremely long breath.

Mr. Stone looked somewhat annoyed, but not visibly so. "Really?" he responded in a voice that seemed to show that either he was annoyed, or just didn't care at all.

I looked at the clock. Only two minutes have passed. It seemed as if all of time had slowed down in the room. Looking at the class, Mr. Stone started talking once more.

"Before I start for the day," he said, "Let me take attendance..."

By the time attendance was done, and by the way, was very long and torturous because Mr. Stone was horrible at pronouncing names, it was already a good halfway through the period. It all went from simple mistakes like calling Electra Electric to big mistakes like calling Jonelis, John Ellis. He didn't even try to pronounce Khione, which by the way, is pronounced KEY-own.

After these grueling five minutes, Mr. Stone went to his desk, picked up a stack of papers, and started passing them out. "What I'm passing out right now," he said, "is a packet to help you study for the final exams at the end of the year. I suggest you start studying right away. Countless students have failed out of my class before."

On the top of my desk laid a heavy chemistry packet printed on purple paper. I jammed it into one of my new folders and just tried to imagine that it wasn't there. I wasn't very good at that. Angela, at the table next to us with Zara, Mike, and Bri, was busy scanning the packet, possibly trying to soak every bit of information into her mind as soon as possible. Or she was just looking for grammar mistakes.

To be frank, Mr. Stone would have been a horrible ELA teacher. On the first line of the packet, said "Keep the packet that you recieved with u at all times." While Mr. Stone rambled on about all other things we would be doing this year, from the corner of my eye, I saw Angela toss the packet into a recycling bin.

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