Chapter 62- Ivan

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July 24th, 8:40am: I had just finished getting changed when my brothers called for me from outside the room again. My dad had decided to take us to this fancy all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet on the first floor. According to some of his friends, the food was supposed to be great.

The five of us took the elevator down and walked through the hotel's massive halls. Though it was only morning, the place had opened almost every restaurant, gift shop, and spa. The line for Starbucks, in fact, was already looping around the corner of a wall.

We walked all the way to the north side of the hotel, where I saw a giant sign that read "Breakfast Buffet. Only 30 euros per person." In front of the entrance was this giant red carpet that led into the buffet. My mom handed her credit card to the manager, who thankfully, could speak English, as we followed a waiter to our table.

I have to admit that my dad's friend's coworker, or whoever told him about this place was right. I mean, even in the morning, a full ice cream sundae station was open! Just the pancakes they served were so diverse that there was a whole table for it. Quickly, I filled my plate with whatever I could find and speed walked back to our table.

I know that you can get up as many times as you wanted at a buffet, but I decided to speed through my meal anyway. Liam and Chris were both inhaling their food as well while my dad questioned the chef about every single ingredient in all of his recipes for "allergy" purposes.

I looked back at the food piled on my plate, pushed it to the side, and went back for more food so I didn't have to get up again. I hadn't felt so good in days.

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