Chapter 20- Kyle

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Chapter 20- Kyle

 As the group walked towards the large backyard through giant glass doors, Adam ran upstairs shouting that he had to go to the bathroom. I ran upstairs to go to the bathroom as well, but then decided that I actually didn't really need to go and ran back down the spiraling staircase. I don't know why I changed my mind, maybe because I didn't want to take the risk of falling into any secret passages anymore or because there was just something different about Felicia's house this time that made me mildly uncomfortable.

In the backyard, we met Kate, who had just arrived. In the backyard, was one of those amazing playgrounds that is just made for kids our age. A giant oak tree was in the middle of everything, entangled with the playground that made it an architectural masterpiece. On one side stood 3 giant swings that could probably swing you to the moon, and two long green slides that went around the whole playground, somewhat like a water slide. A few summers ago, Felicia's dad had transformed them into water slides, actually.

There was a giant tree house in the middle of this that was probably the size of my bedroom with two floors, and monkey bars all around the trees which would be a good place to swing as well as to sit.

"Race you to the swings!" I called out to Sam, and then started running. When I looked back, I realized that Sam didn't hear me, but Kate did. She did track, which gave her a giant advantage. Even though she was injured for a little while, Kate was still as fast as ever.

Though she beat me, we were able to get swings next to each other. Earl and Jonelis, on the other hand, weren't so lucky. Jonelis sat on my lap, and I awkwardly pushed her off. Earl jumped on Kate as she went to swing, much like he wanted a piggy back ride, but got immediately pushed off, even more aggressively than I pushed off Jonelis. Kate quickly started swinging.

Just before I started to swing, Felicia and Daniela came up to me and asked if I could see where Adam was, since he had already been in the bathroom for 15 minutes and I somewhat knew where he was. Kate surprisingly agreed to go with me. I was going to tell her that it would be best if she didn't because Kate's a girl, but I had a feeling she wouldn't be happy if I told her off.

At the bathroom door, I knocked on the door. My socks suddenly became dripping wet. Kate and I both looked down and saw a thin stream of water running through the door. I banged on the door even more and called out to Adam, ignoring the growing stream of water coming from under the door. Kate looked frozen, probably wondering what to do. Then, even though I knew what was going to be on the other side, Kate and I opened the door. As soon as I swung the door open, Kate and I jumped to the side.

Like I expected, a giant surge of water came out of the room and into the hall which thankfully, only soaked up to my shins because of where I was. Next, I heard Kate point her finger at something in the water. I looked at it, but quickly turned away. It was Adam's body.

Kate and I both ran downstairs. I told her to text the police while I got everyone else. Too bad Kate couldn't talk. I didn't feel like calling. When I came back into the backyard, everyone was enjoying themselves. Jonelis and Earl took the swings Kate and I were on. The first one to notice my worry was Amanda, who asked me what happened. It probably looked as if I peed on my pants by accident right now.

I quickly took a deep breath and shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, "Somebody flooded the bathroom and might have drowned Adam. He's unconscious, Kate's texting the police, and you should all come upstairs."

Jamoko popped the balloon he was holding and Earl literally flew off the swing and face planted into the grass.

"Well com'on! Let's go!" I shouted.

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