Chapter 95- Angela

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Chapter 95- Angela

"We have to hurry guys!" I exclaimed, "We only have fifteen minutes left and some of the groups are already finished! Hurry up and pour the potassium iodide in!"

Electra, who had most likely given up on measuring out the powder to the exact amount, just added some more in and handed it to Finn. I would tell her that there was a little too much, but it didn't look like we had much time left.

"Come on," I told Finn, "Dump it in!"

At the moment, Felicia was examining the bottle and trying to mix all of the chemicals together. She held out the broken bottle while Finn dumped the potassium iodide in.

I didn't even have enough time to observe. All of a sudden, a giant blob of black goo erupted out of the bottle like a geyser. I didn't have any idea how it all happened, much less why it had turned black. And since Felicia was holding the bottle on an angle, the black goop hit Electra square in the face.

Electra screamed, everyone, including Mr. Stone, turned to look our way. Felicia, probably in panic, dropped the bottle, which started spraying the substance everywhere. At this point, I couldn't see anything because my goggles were too blurry.

I backed away from where I thought the lab table was, and in my haste, bumped into a desk. I heard the door open, and removed my goggles, even though I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to, and saw Mr. Laken. He stared at all of us for a moment, and then slowly backed out of the room. Well, it's quite nice when your new language arts teacher ditches your class when you're covered in black goop...

A few seconds later, he came back with the nurse and a bunch of other teachers, who all evacuated us from the room and sent the ones with black goop on them for checkups. At the nurses, I learned that the solution wasn't that harmful, and was actually supposed to look like toothpaste. The nurse said that she was going to have a serious talk with Mr. Stone and sent in the other, really tall nurse to help us.

"Hello," he boomed in voice so loud it made me back up a little. Who recommended him to become a nurse?

"Each of you will receive an individual medical examination," the nurse continued, "Meanwhile, help yourselves to an ice pack."

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