Chapter 115- Kate

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At around 6:00 that night, the school had cooled down. The fire had enveloped the whole structure, and now all that remained was a pile of ash and rubble. A scorched pile of bones were found in the elevator in the school. The only thing left unhurt by the flames was the large rock pile in front of the school. 

The police had said that the fire started when a flammable liquid, some kind of alcohol, was exposed to fire, it ignited the flame. The flame was from the candles in the elevator, but I never told the officers. 

It was my fault Kyle was dead, wasn't it? I kept thinking to myself. Was I a murderer too now? I kept replaying the scene in the basement in my head over and over as I waited for everything to be cleared up.

Long after all the students had left to go home, our class stayed behind to watch the crime scene. 

Angela and Lindsay sat on the ground, talking. They had a lot more in common than I had thought. Right now they were discussing where they would be going to school after the fire.

Zara had her sketch pad out once again and was sketching the school. We all knew the fact that she was sort of a spy now, but nobody seemed to mind. It made her special, and unlike Terry, she was fit for the G&T class.

Khione was talking to someone on the phone, probably her dad. She seemed excited, and kept pacing around in a circle. Khione walked a lot when she was nervous or excited. For one of the only times this year, I saw her smile.

Ivan was quiet, for once. He was texting someone on the phone and smiling to himself.

Hunter and I sat on two large rocks, hand by hand, watching the sunset.

Seven students. Today was January 16th, 2017, and I had experienced one of the longest years in my life...

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