Chapter 49- Lindsay

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-Hey! Is this Lindsay? It's Kit.

Yeah, I'm glad you got my number

-Just wondering, have you ever thought about

Mr. Laken being the killer? 

it's possible, you know

-No, but now that you mention it,

I guess it could be him. I still think it

is Kyle though.

 -Is that why you hang out with him

          and Ivan so much?

-I guess... How did u know that??

  -Angela told me

-Do you know anything else that happened

during the year?

     -You never finished telling me

-I dont thnk I could fit evrythng in

a message

-Is it safe?

-Angela seems to be telling you a lot of things.

    -I don't know

                                                                              -Why don't you come over

                                                                               to my house this weekend?

                                                                            -We could meet at the cafe

                                                                               we used to go to.

-I'll have to ask my parents...

    -tell me what they say

                                                                               -they met me before

-They said okay! When should I meet u?

 -Is Saturday 9:00 alright?

-Sure, see u there

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