Chapter 16- Kate

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Chapter 16- Kate

I arrived at the school a few minutes later, since JJ lived right next to it. Once I arrived, I pushed the little doorbell/buzzer. Then the doors unlocked. I realized that my shirt was ripped in one spot, revealing my stomach. My pants had random stains on them, probably blood. I shivered. Then I made my way to the elevator, which was located in the side of the school. It was really dark in there and the power wasn't on.

I looked down at my feet, and surprisingly, they were snowy, but not cold. It was not only then did I begin to realize that I had the virus.

I ran up to the elevator doors and met Lauren there. She looked as if she had been in a heat wave, but otherwise looked okay.

"Kyle... in the elevator..." she panted. 

The school seemed incredibly hot without the power and with the blizzard outside. Examining the elevator doors, I tried to pry them open, but nothing happened. What a surprise. In my frustration, I kicked the door with my foot, which didn't hurt as much as I thought, and a small opening appeared in the elevator.

From there, I pushed at the doors from both sides, and to my surprise, they slowly moved apart. I can't believe it! This was impossible! It's impossible for someone to be as strong as this! My muscles ached from the workout, reminding me that I was still sick.

Kyle stood there, staring. Sweat dripped from his forehead. I was a little shorter than him, but I had to look down on him. He seemed to shrink and I realized that he was actually bending his legs. I remembered that I had the virus. I backed away slowly at first, facing him. Then I began to run. Out of the building into the white mess of snow leaving Kyle and Lauren in the school alone. Another blizzard of snow appeared.

Waiting outside the school stood my mom, wrapped in a heavy jacket and scarf. She had a mask on her face.

"Com'on Kate," she said in a muffled voice, "Doctors. Now."

The snow felt cold as I walked back home, but inside, I felt warm. 

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