Chapter 57- Ivan

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July 23th, 2:15pm: I wake up with a jolt and a horrible pain in my stomach. Looking around in confusion, I realize that I'm still on the plane. Liam, beside me, was also asleep while Chris was on his phone. He didn't acknowledge me at all and was probably on one of his stupid games.

My stomach felt as if it was about to burst, gurgling and rumbling.

That's what I get for eating too fast, I thought to myself.

I quickly got up, scooted by Liam, and left for the bathroom.

I really wish I paid more attention to what the flight attendant was saying earlier because it took me a whole two minutes just to find the restroom.

I'm not going to get into any detail, but I'll just say that I did my business, and just as I was about to leave, the plane shook violently, throwing me to the side of the room. Hanging onto the walls with my fingernails, I trudged, step by step, to the door, which I flung open, or at least tried to. The doorknob wasn't budging at all. From the outside of the small room I could hear shouts of panic, and the flight attendant busily making commands.

Confined in the small space, I banged and kicked at the door with all my might while the plane shook ferociously around me. Finally, just when I thought that I was about to puke, the door swung open revealing a frazzled flight attendant.

"Go back to your aisle!" she screamed at me over the noise of the crowd. Completely confused, all I could do was nod, as I pushed through the people. Some of them were standing up and shouting, but the majority of them were huddled in their seats, probably scared the heck out.

Finally, when I made it back to my seat, the plane was shaking worse than ever. Both of my parents greeted me with relief. Just when I was about to ask what was going on, a voice boomed over all the noise.

"Attention, attention!" the voice boomed, "Please stay calm!"

Yeah right, who's going to stay calm when you're telling them to? Now they all know that something's wrong.

"The plane is having some technical difficulties with the engine," the voice continued, "Take out your life jacket for we may have to make an emergency landing if the problem isn't fixed."

A lady that sat a few rows behind us screamed and I believe she fainted, because I heard no sound afterwards except a faint plunk. Both of my brothers had both put their life jackets on and were holding on to their seats.

"Ivan, get your life jacket on!" Chris screamed from next to me. His jacket was puffed around his yellow sweatshirt making him look like a rubber duck.

Sprawling onto the plane's floor, I reached under my seat, feeling for my life jacket, which ended up being a baggy yellow piece of plastic that had to be inflated by blowing into a hole. 

Great! I thought to myself, Now my life depends on this wrinkly piece of plastic that probably hadn't been touched for at least a year or so.

I moved quickly, shedding my heavy coat and stuffing the life jacket down my sides. Opening the small valve for blowing air, I started puffing, inflating the vest. At that moment, the plane lurched to the left, sending most of the people on the other side of the plane who weren't buckling their seat belts tumbling towards us.

The plane had stopped shaking however, and as the people that had fallen on my side of the plane moved back, the giant rumbling sound subsided little by little. Soon, only the faint buzzing sound of the engine remained. By the look of it, everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for another announcement.

An earsplitting sound of feedback came from the plane's loudspeaker, causing everyone around it to cringe. A male flight attendant's voice came on and said with amazing confidence, "It will be alright. I'm the pilot's assistant here to inform you that everything is alright. A problem occurred with the plane's engine, and combined with the recent turbulence, had almost caused a crash. Almost. Right now, please settle down in your seats while some free refreshments and liquors will be offered to you in just a little bit. Anyone who's injured is to move towards the back of the plane where a flight attendant will help you. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the flight."

I laid back into my seat, closed my eyes, and waited to be told that the flight was over. The voice on the loudspeaker was frighteningly familiar.

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