Chapter 8- John

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Chapter 8- John

This morning, I was just innocently walking back from Quickcheck, admiring the snowflakes, when a huge snowstorm came out of nowhere and ruined my perfect cheese, lettuce, and tomato sandwich. I stood in the middle of the giant mess of snow building up, confused, and staring at my wet, soggy sandwich.

By the time I realized that it would be best to take shelter, I had almost nowhere to go. Everything was covered with so much snow that I couldn't tell a hill from a house. As I trudged through the heavy blankets of everlasting snow, I tripped over my own feet and fell into a giant lump of snow, which ended up being a car. A car that wasn't even locked!

Well, there was nowhere to go, so I thought that I might as well hop in the car and stay until the storm subsided. After all, I doubted that the owner would mind, considering the present conditions. This was a friendly neighborhood, sort of. Quickly, I scrambled into the snow covered car, trying to shake off as much snow from my pants as I could.

Once in the car, I locked all the doors, and began to play some games on my phone. Since there was no wifi, my choices were limited. Only a few minutes later, I heard someone brushing off snow from the car. 

The owner of the car has come to rescue me!"I thought at first.

However, much to my dismay, it was just two robbers, probably about to rob the car. To be honest, I wasn't that worried. Not much can scare me. As they looked towards my direction, I gave them a friendly wave with my phone in my hand. Immediately, both of them started running away clumsily through the snow. One of them face planted nicely into the snow, making an almost perfect snow angel.

As I checked my phone again, I realized that it had only 30% left, so I decided to conserve it. Sitting in a freezing cold car with nothing to do, I fell asleep.

The first sound that jolted me awake was the sound of the car door being opened. Simultaneously, I let out a piercing scream. Sadly, a really girly scream. I immediately shut my mouth. The other person, probably scared out of their wits, only gave out a small gasp. I sat up and found myself staring face to face with a large pair of green eyes.

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