Chapter 31- Kyle

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Chapter 31- Kyle

On Friday, a car crashed into our school bus from behind. Me, who had never been in a car crash before, was thrown forward from the impact. This was probably because I didn't have my seat belt on. Ivan used to sit next to me, but he stopped taking the bus. Lindsay almost never took the bus, but now she sat next to me every morning and afternoon. The bus driver had no choice but to stop in the middle of the road to work out the problem.

She used a radio and told the school about the accident. Soon, by soon I mean 30 minutes, another bus arrived to pick us all up. By the time we got to school, it was already halfway into second period. I rushed to get ready for Language Arts, dropping my clarinet off at the band room, taking everything out of my backpack, and then arrived at Language Arts room... to find out that nobody was there.

On the door, I saw a sign that read: Periods one and two- Computer Lab. 

With my books and pencil box in my hand, I made it to the computer lab. In the lab, I gave Mr. Laken my late pass and sat down next to Lea.

"Hey, do you want to go to my sister's talent show today at 4:30?" she asked, "We can go out for something to eat afterwards."

"Sure," I responded, "It'll be fun."

Right then, I realized that I needed to use the bathroom. I excused myself from the room once again. On my way back from the bathroom, a horrible, screeching sound filled my ears and banged on my eardrums. The fire alarm had gone off. And by the look on Mr. Laken's face, this was not a drill.

This was one of the only drills where people were screaming. Terrifying, high pitched screams. I could hear the police officers shouting from the stairway, telling students to evacuate.

"Everyone out the back door and onto the soccer field!" Mr. Laken roared over the loud noise, "Keep together and in a straight line!"

Our class of 15 filed out of the room and into the mob of panicking students. By the time we got outside and onto the soccer field, the whole class was split up. I was with Lindsay and Paige. Lindsay and I were holding hands the whole time. Paige was following Marie, lost track of her, mistaken Lindsay for Marie, and ended up following us instead. None of us had any idea where everyone else was. 

We could hear the whirring sound of a fire truck getting closer. Soon, not only a fire truck, but a few police cars and an ambulance arrived on the scene too. So much for all the practice fire drills... Some of the girls were actually screaming, screaming, at the top of their lungs as if the world was ending... again!

After a few minutes of searching the field, we found Hunter, Jonelis, Marie, and Lauren, who were all freaking out and talking about where the fire might have gone off. Lauren was saying how she hadn't smelled, nor seen any smoke inside the school and that it might have just been a false alarm.

"Have you ever thought about the possibility of someone pulling the fire alarm for no reason?" Lindsay asked out of the blue.

Nobody said anything, signaling that nobody thought of Lindsay's idea.

About 5 minutes later, we finally got the class together, well almost. We were just missing Mango, Justin, and JJ. After following Mr. Laken around for a couple of minutes while he asked all the other teachers, Katerina spotted Mango sitting on the bleachers next to the baseball field. She was carrying a bulging backpack and a purse that looked like it was about to burst.

And when Mr. Laken asked her for an explanation, Mango simply responded that if there was a fire, her make-up and other personal possessions were number one priority. At that exact moment, Mango's purse bursted open, causing an avalanche of lipstick, eyeliner, and tubes of nail polish. Mr. Laken looked as if he wanted to take Mango's backpack and light on fire, but he remained calm.

"I'm just glad that you're safe," he said in a sweet voice as fake as Mango's beauty products.

Now, we were just missing Justin and JJ. They weren't the type of people that got lost often or didn't follow rules. We took a break on the bleachers and were told not to move while Mr. Laken went to report them as missing. Maybe he'd find them on the way? Kate, John, Lea, and I took turns trying to guess what had happened. None of us had a definite guess until we say reporters. Reporters, journalists, and cameramen. This was more than a regular fire drill. Something was terribly wrong.

The whole class stood on the bleachers and watched as the news reporters made a beeline for the school's entrance. Amanda and Felicia found me and I explained to them what I thought happened, even though I was hoping for it to be wrong.

Mr. Laken suddenly appeared as if out of thin air and told our class to follow him. He had found Justin with a group of teachers on the other side of the school. Saying bye to Felicia and Amanda, I walked silently with the rest of the class, waiting to see where he would lead us.

The destination was out school. The entrance of our school was where JJ was found dead. Dead with the same knife used to kill Jacob. I didn't look. I turned away immediately, and focused on the trees outside of our school instead. Mr. Laken must have notice our concern, because he led us out of view.

The police officers informed us that they were going to question us one by one to see if we knew anything about what happened. Lori... fainted, and was almost rushed into the ambulance, mistaken for an injured.

Katerina and I were first. The officer that took me was the same one that Lindsay and I forced out of Marie's house the other night.

"Where were you when the fire alarm went off?" she asked.

"I was at the computer lab, with the rest of the class."

"What happened next?"

"We walked out of the lab and went outside. Our class got separated and I ended up with Paige and Lindsay."

"Did you see anything suspicious?"


"Do you have any suspicions?"


"Thank You."

That was it. The officer quickly ushered me back to the rest of the group and got someone else to interview.

I walked back out of the school and to where everyone was. By the time the officers finished questioning everyone, I had already figured out that there was no fire and that the fire alarm going off was just a distraction to kill JJ. Oh, also I figured out that fingerprints weren't found on the fire alarm due to eavesdropping on two officers. The killer must have been a pretty sneaky one.

"Don't go anywhere alone and don't stay late out at night," the officer warned as she left. That day, school ended early. However, Lea and I still planned on going to the talent show.

Besides, it won't get too late, would it? I thought to myself.

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