Chapter 37- Marie

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Oh, no. Oh, no. It was already too early. I shivered and dug even deeper into the couch cushions as the reporter continued to talk. The second day summer vacation starts, and the first death occurs. 

"It's Kate," I thought to myself, "Oh, no. It's Kate."

Wait. Hold on. As the image zoomed in to the face, I squinted at the TV. It wasn't Kate. It was Paige. I couldn't tell what had happened. Her head was an awful mess, but no matter how I tried, I could not have myself look away. That night, I watched the news until 11.


With a loud creak, the garage door opened... revealing a dead rabbit on our driveway. It looked as if it had been run over by our car a while ago. I put my bags down on the garage floor, walked over towards the rabbit, picked it up, and lugged it over the fence surrounding our house. 


Dad had just finished installing the electric fence a while ago for protection. He suggested that it would make the house safer. I didn't really care much about it. The only down side to it was that we kept on finding dead birds and other animals electrocuted around the fence. This rabbit, however, was not the case.

My mom was on a business trip in Florida for most of the summer, so it would only be the two of us. We had become super rich over the school year, so I guess things weren't too bad. Dad had bought a really good lawyer and sued roughly 1.5 million dollars out of the school district and police department.

Walking back into the garage, I threw the giant bag on top of my shoulder and heaved it into the car. No, we were not moving. I had seen what happened to Mango when she tried to move. It didn't work out. Instead, our family was just driving up to Virginia to spend a week or two to visit my grandparents. I haven't seen then for such a long time.

Once my dad got his bags into the trunk, he climbed into the car and dad began to drive. The car was loaded with all kinds of food and devices because we were going to try to make it all the way to my grandparent's house in Virginia without stopping. My dad had filled up the gas tank the night before and claimed that it was ready for the road.

I watched from the window and houses and trees passes by. Soon, the trees and houses faded into highway. I plugged in my MP3, put on my earbuds, and began to listen.

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