Chapter 6- Kyle

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Chapter 6- Kyle

On Saturday afternoon, I got dropped off at Lea's house for a Science project. Ivan arrived just a few minutes later holding a giant poster. Our current science teacher gave out a huge project that she said would count for a large portion of our grade. The project was to be done on an important person that contributed to science. It didn't seem all that hard.

Now, being the middle of the school year, the teachers not only expected you to do everything correctly, but also that you will retain everything they tell you.

Lea had the most diverse supply of coloring utensils and paper out of the three of us, so we all decided on meeting at her house. And based on how far we already were, I thought that our project on Gregor Mendel was going to be a cinch.

Ivan and I were just setting up our display in Lea's living room when she rushed in from her garage, looking quite frantic. 

She hastily explained to us that her parents had to go over to New York to visit her mom's sister, who was critically injured after a car crash. However, because of our project, Lea's mom let us stay home by ourselves.

"Oh, I hope she feels better," I told her.

"Cool," Ivan responded, nodding.

Lea just gave us an anxious look and began to set up.

We were about halfway through putting together our presentation when Ivan noticed something.

"Is that snow outside?" he asked as he put down a large black and white picture of Gregor Mendel's face.

"Yeah! The sidewalk is covered with cute, tiny snowflakes!" Lea responded smiling, "And it's just the right time for some light snow! Come on, let's keep on working. Maybe we can build a snowman or something later."

Ivan rolled his eyes and we all went back to work.

I guess that Mother Nature must have changed her mind because in the next 5 minutes, Lea's "cute tiny snowflakes" turned into a raging blizzard that covered everything outside in a thick blanket of white. All we could see outside of the windows was snow, or to be exact, the color white. It was as if the temperature in the whole house dropped twenty degrees.

Lea hurried to the living room and said that she would turn on the heating so none of us would freeze.

Ivan asked about firewood for Lea's fireplace, which caused Lea to run into the garage to grab a log even though she didn't turn on the heat yet. Lea can be a little jittery sometimes.

I found a lighter in the kitchen and lit the log Lea placed in the fireplace. Then, Lea said she needed to use the bathroom and left again. Ivan and I figured out how to turn on the heat, and then crowded around the fire, keeping warm... just when the phone rang.

I picked the phone. After some confusion from both sides due to the weird static sound because of the storm, I yelled at Lea to come and handed the phone to her. After about five minutes of shouting "I can't hear you! Speak louder!", Lea hung up.

"That was my parents," Lea explained worriedly, "They're stuck in a supermarket and told us to stay inside because of how strong the blizzard was. They also told you guys to call your parents. Hopefully the power won't go off."

And... this is exactly what I don't really like about Lea. She has the tendency to jinx things. Less than five seconds after Lea finished talking, the lights flickered dramatically and turned off. The rumbling of the heater also diminished.

"Great job," Ivan muttered to nobody in particular.

Ivan and I looked for flashlights while Lea got out candles from a dusty looking closet. I wandered into the laundry room to look, and stumbled across 2 small flashlights.

In the kitchen, Lea remembered that her parents always kept a giant flashlight right outside of the front door. Why? I don't know. Ivan tried to open the front door, but told us that it was jammed, probably because of the immense snow. I took a ruler and measure the snow on the deck, which had already piled up to about two and a half feet.

Great! Now we're stuck in a house with 2 small flashlights, a log of firewood, a few small, decade-old, vanilla scented candles, and no way out. Ivan looked at his digital watch and told us it was already 6:00 pm.

"We might as well get something to do and eat," Lea sighed, "The project is pretty much done already. We can put the finishing touches on later. Kyle, can you make something for us to eat? I know you are a good cook. Ivan, go to upstairs to the second room on the right and get some blankets and pillows for us to sit on next to the fire. I'll get something to do."

"Whatever," I heard Ivan mutter before trudging up the stairs.

In the kitchen, I peeked into the refrigerator. It was almost empty, which was both good and bad. Good, because by the time the power gets back on, less food would be spoiled, and bad, because it gave me less options to make things with. 

I grabbed some turkey, ham, lettuce, and cut up some tomatoes for some sandwiches. I decided that it would be best for Ivan and Lea to make their own sandwiches. Before I closed the refrigerator door, I noticed a container of mango nectar (Why mango nectar?) , and took it out. Next to the fridge were bottles of water, which Lea or Ivan could drink if they didn't like mango. If only Mango was here...

I also took some frozen fruit out from the freezer and put it next to the fire to defrost. I wouldn't want to eat anything frozen when I was about to freeze myself. After searching through the dusty closet in the kitchen and coughing uncontrollably, I found some disposable paper plates, cups, and utensils.  

Right when I started making my sandwich, Ivan came down with a massive pile of blankets and pillows reaching far past his head. He set them down by the fire and started laying them out. Then, he started making his sandwich, adding three of everything into it. It wasn't until a few minutes later that we noticed a mysterious pounding sound coming from somewhere else in the house.

Ghosts? I immediately thought.

The two of us listened and walked towards the strange noise, and found that it came from the basement door. I was just about to ask who it was when Ivan pulled the door open, revealing Lea, who was holding a deck of cards and Scrabble

"Come on, let's go back up stairs and-" I began. 

This time, a giant noise came from upstairs followed by the sound of glass shattering. Cringing, the three of us darted back upstairs.

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