Chapter 25- Katerina's Confessions

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Chapter 25- Katerina

Okay, skipping forwards a bit. It had been a few hours, I think. I was afraid to turn my phone on since who knows if someone's watching me, but on the bright side, Adam finally decided to go to the bathroom. I heard the sliding door close so I knew that everyone was outside. This was even better than I expected!

I came out of my hiding place. As soon as Adam went in, I shut the door and locked it with a key. Then, I went to the laundry room and started the water. I made sure to race back to the bathroom in time to see Adam suffer.

I laughed quietly as he submerged in the water. Adam was a pretty decent swimmer and tried to claw his way out the door or the window, but I had sealed both of them well. He had finally managed to make a little crack under the door to let a stream of water out, but the flow was too slow. Finally, after I was sure that my plan was a success, I decided to turn the water off. Suddenly, on my way back to the laundry room, I heard footsteps. I quickly went into another closet near the master bedroom and slipped down a steep passage all the way to the first floor.

As I tiptoed, a hook caught one of my gloves and pulled it off. I quickly grabbed it and slipped it on. As I exited the passage and made my safe escape, a thought went into my mind. Had I accidentally left a fingerprint?

Probably not, I thought to myself, It's very unlikely that anyone would find it anyway.

But... I stayed at Felicia's house just in case. My heart sank when I overheard one police officer saying something about picking up 5 different fingerprints in one of the passages. Too much. One of them had to be mine.

I took the secret passageway again and ran all the way to the police station. I had prepared for this and knew how to hack into the system to shut off all the computers as well as the power to give me some time to get the fingerprints.

I snuck silently through the halls, jumping into a closet or empty room every once in awhile. 

Rubbing my eyes, I walked out of a closet and ran smack into a scary looking police officer.


So... As soon as I put his body in a closet, I ran off to the controls. The lights were super easy to shut off. I clicked in the memorized code, followed by some buttons, and the lights flickered and shut off. The computers took a little bit longer. I hacked into the main system using a laptop I found in a closet.

I logged on as one of the chief policemen and stopped the flow of networking in the building so even if the power was to turn back on, the computers would still not work. I had set the whole police station in lock down mode. Like I expected, alarms suddenly went off.

My last step was to get the fingerprint. I tiptoed out of the closet. Somebody saw me. It was Kyle, and he started chasing me. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I had gone to the gym to train before, but apparently Kyle was faster. His long legs started to gain on me little by little as I pushed myself to keep sprinting down the hall.

Then, someone tackled me. I looked behind me, and to my surprise, it was Kyle. He was actually a lot stronger than I thought and held me down in a shoulder lock. I pretended to struggled until a police officer grabbed me. Enough evidence was destroyed. There was no point being a run-away criminal, so I settled in to the police car headed towards the county prison. To be honest, I have never been so calm before in my life.


Oh well, luckily I had an escape plan... 

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