Chapter 63- Ivan

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July 27th, 4:00am: On Friday, we spent around 6 hours at the Louvre looking at all of the famous, but boring paintings. Nothing interesting there. The entrance line was so long that it took us forty five minutes just to get past the giant mob of people wanting to see some old fashioned art.

Not only that, but the hallways of the Louvre were so crowded that it was practically impossible to see any of the good pieces of art. We nearly decided to skip the Mona Lisa because of the giant crowd of people, but my mom decided that this was a "golden opportunity" and that we wouldn't want to miss it.

After pushing through a crowd of people and getting separated, I finally got a sideways, somewhat blurry picture of the painting. It was a lot smaller than I expected to me, and as I said before, not really exciting.

On Saturday, we hung out at the pool during the morning, ate an expensive lunch, and then went to a show late at night. It was a weird circus/acrobatic show. Anyway, halfway through it, I started getting very dizzy and went to the bathroom to throw up. My parents didn't let me leave early since the was expensive, but once the show ended, they rushed me to a nearby store for medicine.

It ended up that I got food poisoning from the fancy lunch I had that day. My parents called the restaurant with an angry complaint and told them that they could have been sued. In return, all we got was a lousy 25% off gift certificate. Not like we were going back to France anytime soon.

Now it was Monday now, as I rushed to get ready for the flight back. We definitely would have stayed longer in France, but both of my parents were busy and I had a nice camp to go to. After packing my suitcase, I left our hotel suite and made it to the main hall.

My dad and Liam were at the front desk paying the bills and returning our key cards while Chris was buying everyone breakfast at the Starbucks. My mom however, was outside, waving her arms wildly, trying to get a taxi driver's attention. Our flight was scheduled for 6:00 and we were off to a great start... 

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