Chapter 55- Ivan

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July 23th, 7:00am: Back with my phone and sweating, we boarded the plane. Lucky for us, we had three comfortable rows of seats in the front. The armchairs were made of a soft material and TV screens were located in the back of each seat. Liam and I sat next to each other, my dad shared a row with Chris, and my mom was in the back row with someone else.

The plane was set to leave at 7:15 and arrive at 4:00 in the afternoon. After a few minutes of complete chaos getting the luggage secured, the plane suddenly began to move, and I immediately braced myself for takeoff. However, the plane just ended up moving onto the runway. Soon afterwards, the cool voice of the flight attendant sounded through one of the plane's side speakers.

"Attention everyone. Please buckle your seatbelts. We are preparing for takeoff to Paris, France arriving at an estimated time of 4:00 pm. Turn off all cell phones while we wait for departure. Thank you for flying with British Airlines."

A small click followed by a beep signaled the sound of the announcement.

The next part was horribly boring. One of the flight attendants came into our compartment and started to explain to us where the emergency exits of the plane were located, what to do during an emergency, where the parachutes were located, and all that boring stuff. I barely listened as she plowed on about gas masks and turbulence.

The plane was stuffy and I felt my lungs plead for a fresh supply of air. The windows couldn't be opened. Why would they? Now I was actually hoping for us to take off soon. I opened my laptop, but then quickly shut it, remembering that all electronics had to be turned off for departure. 

Next, I heard a great rumbling noise. The plane began moving forwards down the runway, gathering speed every second. I felt as if a hand had suddenly pushed me back against my seat. Soon, I felt the sensation of lifting off and pressure being applied onto me. Flipping up the piece of plastic that concealed the window, I looked down as the airport became farther and farther away from us.

The speakers went on again with the attendant telling us how we had successfully taken off and that we should sit back and relax. I was too busy looking down through the window, watching the airport fade into a little speck.

"Hey, what do you want to watch?" Liam asked, "Oh wait, you can't because you're afraid of heights." He turned back to the TV screen, laughing. I just groaned and sank deeper into my seat. Now that I was reminded of it, I started getting nauseous.

Instead of replying back, I opened my laptop and began to login. Even though there was no Wi-Fi, there were still things I could do.

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