Chapter 43:

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Anna's POV

Harry fell asleep on the couch as soon as he finished eating dinner. After I was done eating I got up and got my school stuff. I have some things to study for a test tomorrow. Once I sat back on the couch Harry pretty much flung his head onto my lap. I couldn't help, but laugh at him. He might be adult, but I swear he still acts like a kid sometimes. I rolled my eyes at him, but took my papers out and began to study.

An hour into studying Harry's phone kept going off saying he had a new text. If I wasn't studying I wouldn't really mind it dinging again and again, but it was distracting me. I looked around for his phone, but I didn't see it anywhere. 'It must be in his pocket.' I thought to myself. I didn't want to wake him up, but he needed to answer the phone then go up to bed.

"Harry, wake up." I said shaking his shoulder a bit. He groaned and turned around so his face was facing my stomach. I poked his nose.

"Harry wake up and answer your phone." I said as I continued to poke his nose. He swatted my hand away before opening his eyes a little.

"What?" He asked groggily.

"Can you please see who is texting you, so you can stop the damn beeping. I'm trying to study for my test tomorrow and the beeping is driving me nuts." I whined. He didn't say anything he just sat up and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. He looked at the screen and rolled his eyes.

"Something wrong?" I asked him.

"Well I got like 10 texts all from Louis and then my mum and sister texted me as well." He said while running his free hand through his hair.

"What did you mum and sister want?" I asked him. I didn't want to know what Louis texted him.

" It seems they are coming to London this weekend for a shopping trip and they want to go out to dinner with us while they are here." He said nervously.

"Both of us?" I asked making sure I heard him right.

"Yupp. They haven't really seen you since the BBQ and that was right after you first talked to Louis." He said.

"If you don't want to that's fine, but to warn you they usually stay with me when they are in London. Since you don't seem to be forgiving Louis by tomorrow I don't know if you really have a choice but to go out to dinner with my family." Harry said matter- of- factly. He almost seemed annoyed that I didn't come right out and say sure I would love to go out to dinner with your mum and older sister.

"Look it's not that I don't' want to it's just nerve wracking is all. I know I met them at that BBQ, but to be honest I didn't want to be there so I tuned everything and everyone out that day. So it will be like meeting them for the first time tomorrow and that's scary." I said honestly.

"But you have met them before, so it wont be as intimidating and plus I will be right next to you. " Harry said grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers through mine.

"Just know ahead of time that if I'm super quiet it's probably because I'm uncomfortable." I said with a smile.

"So does that mean I can tell them we are both coming to dinner?" he asked with hopeful eyes. I simply nodded my head yes. He stood up then tackled me down to the floor so I landed with a thump.

"You are squishing me and ruining my notes." I said trying not to laugh.

"Sorry." He said standing up and bringing me up with him.

"Go text your mum and sister back then go to bed your still tired I can see it in your eyes.. I'm going to continue to study for a bit longer." I smiled at him before sitting back down on the couch.

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