Chapter 16:

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A/N: I had no doubt in my mind that you could give me 10 VOtes and 5 comments ;P

Louis POV

I felt bad that I snapped at Anna but she is so frustrating, because she is rude and disrespectful to Eleanor and just bratty in general. From what little Joey has told me Anna has gone through a lot and didn’t have a good childhood. It’s not an excuse to treat all of us like crap. She always has a wall up to protect herself, but she needs to realize she doesn’t need to have that up with me.

“I showed her to the spare room I figured you were going to put her.” Harry said as he walked down the stairs.

“Thanks. I should go talk to her and apologize for yelling at her.” I said.

“I wouldn’t do that mate.” Zayn said.

“Why not?” I asked confused.

“I always apologize right away with Lottie, Fizzy, and the twins if I do something wrong or what not.” I added.

“Yeah but Anna is different then your other sisters and you can’t treat them the same.” Zayn said.

“Yea I guess you’re right. But what am I supposed to do about how she treats Eleanor and Danielle?” I asked.

“Right now she thinks we were using her just to get information for you. So it’s going to take some time for her to trust us again.” Eleanor said.

“Yeah, but its not fair that she is rude to you.” I said.

“No, but I can handle her I promise….. Just worry about your relationship with Anna don’t worry about mine and Anna’s relationship right now.” She said.

“How can I work on our relationship when she won’t tell me anything about her childhood. I need to know her past to understand her.” I said. I’ve tried a few times to get her to open up to me, but she always changes the subject.

“Do you think it’s that bad?” Harry asked.

“I hope not, but I really don’t know.” I said honestly.

“Do you want one of us to try and talk to her and see if she opens up to one of us?” Liam asked.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, because she will find out and then treat you like she treats El and Dani.” I said sadly. I might not know Anna very well, but I know she is very stubborn.

Anna’s POV

I really couldn’t tell you how long I’ve been sitting in Louis’ guest room, but I’m starving. Louis keeps knocking on my door trying to get me to come out and eat dinner with everyone, but that is the last thing I want to do.

I’ve been trying to call Max and see if he could come pick me up, but he won’t answer his phone, which is pissing me off. I can’t stay with Louis for a week especially the week of finals. How am I supposed to study when he has ‘the boys’ over yelling and talking over each other all the time? I need to pass these finals in order to get any apprenticeship this summer.

“Anna can I please come in?” I heard Niall ask as he knocked on the door.

“Fine.” I huffed. As Niall entered the room I kept my eyes focused on my laptop.

“I brought you some pizza and a coke cause I figured you were pretty hungry.” He said handing me a tray with a plate of 2 slices of cheese pizza and a can of coke.

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