Chapter 38:

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Louis POV

As soon as Anna passed me I started to go after her, but my mum stopped me.

 "Louis let her process everything and cool off a bit. In a few minutes I will go talk to her." mum said. I just nodded my head and went to sit next to El on the couch. 

 "Did you think she wouldn't find out?" Harry asked me.

 "No, I thought I would've been able to tell her when the time was right.  Now she probably hates me." I said while running my fingers threw my hair.

 "We told you just to be honest with her from the start." Harry snapped at me.

 "Now she is going to hate all of us." He added. It took everything in me not to snap at him. He is just worried she won’t want to date him or like him anymore. I have more problems to worry about like Anna wanting nothing to do with me.

 "You don't even know what's going through her head right now so just relax." Mum snapped at all of us. I put my head in my hands and cursed myself. Harry is right I should have told her right from the start like him and the lads said, but I didn’t want her to be mad at me then, and now she probably wont talk to me.

Anna’s POV

I have been sitting on the beach by myself for about 20 minutes just trying to process what every thing means. I don't even know how to feel about all of this. I probably wouldn't have THIS apprenticeship if it weren’t for Louis talking to my school. Was I even going to get an apprenticeship if it wasn't for Louis?  UGH!  This is so frustrating! Oh My God Harry knew…. Harry knew this WHOLE time and didn't tell me. We might not be in a relationship, but he should've told me right?

 "Anna can I talk to you for a few minutes?" Jay asked me. I didn’t even hear her walking up to me. I nodded my head and she took a seat next to me in the sand.

 "I know your probably very upset and confused right now and I don't blame you. I just want to let you know that at the BBQ I told Louis to bring you along on tour. I didn't know he was going to talk to your Uni to get you an apprenticeship with Caroline during the guys tour though." She said.

 "When he told me what he did I told him to tell you right away, but he didn't think you would go with them on tour." She added.

 "Did all of the boys know? " I asked her as I continued to stare at the waves crashing down on shore.

"Yea." She said to me. Great! Now that confirms Harry knew this whole time.

 "I just wanted to tell you that is was sort of my idea for you to go on tour with them so you could get away from Trey. I didn't know he would follow you hand-and-"

 "Nobody knew what he would and wouldn’t do." I said cutting her off.

 "Mum can I talk to Anna please?" Louis said from behind us. Once again I didn’t even hear him walking towards me. Jay looked at me and I just nodded telling her its okay. She patted my back before standing up and making her way back into the house. Louis took her spot next to me. I tried not to make eye contact with him.

“I’m sorry for not telling you the truth right from the start.” Louis said breaking the silence that was surrounding us.

“When were you going to tell me? After the tour?” I snapped at him. Louis just sat there rubbing the back of his neck.

“I’ll take your silence as a yes.” I spat.

“Anna I was scared you would never talk to me again if I told you. The lads kept telling me to tell you, but I wouldn’t listen.” He said.

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