TAKEN (chapter 27)

Start from the beginning

"Great" I smiled back as Dan reached for his shirt, the dried blood again still very clearly viable on it, and slowly put it back on over his body.

I felt more relaxed with his top half covered but I also felt guilty for secretly liking it off.

"Let's get going then" he stated grabbing my hand in his but then awkwardly dropped it realising his mistake "uh I'm sorry.."

"It's fine" I lied. It definitely wasn't fine that I liked the way his hand felt on mine. How his ruff broken skin contrasted with my smooth fragile hand.

To get a distance between us I was the first to take a step out from the cave. The blazing sunlight blinding me so much that I had to shield my eyes with my hand. I peeked through my fingers until I became accustomed to the light and could open my eyes fully.

"Wow" Dan spoke in awe behind me making me turn around to face him.

"What?" I asked in concern

"Um nothing it's just the light was really bright I wasn't expecting it" he awkwardly laughed coming to stand next to me "also this forest is a lot bigger than I thought it was so it might be more difficult than I imagined to find our way out"

"Great" I repeated sarcasm laced in my voice. 

"Come on then grumpy" Dan teased bumping his shoulder with mine as he walked past me. He brought the phone out from his pocket and studied it before walking in a certain direction, me following behind him.

I noticed a lump in the back pocket of his jeans "How the hell do you manage to still have the gun?" I exclaimed "I thought you dropped it?"

He turned around continuing to move so he was now walking backwards "I always carry a spare darling" he smirked.

"Why didn't you give me one then?" I angrily asked "I could have had something to defend myself with after I ...lost the knife"

"You couldn't control a gun, not yet anyways" he still had a stupid smirk registered on his face that I wanted to punch off.

"I so could" I argued walking faster and over taking him so now I was the one walking backwards and him facing me.

"So could not, darling you need years of practice to be able to shoot well" he scoffed at my stupidness.

"You don't know, I could be a pro at shooting" I raised an eyebrow in question

"Okay" he spoke quickly before reaching into his pocket and throwing his gun at me. My reactions weren't quick enough as the gun banged against my chest before falling to the floor.

"Ow!" I yelled bending down to pick up the gun hearing Dan laugh loudly in front of me.

He came to stand in front of me now we had both stopped walking "First rule, don't be afraid of the gun" as he spoke he grabbed my waist and turned my body around so my front was pressed to his back. I gasped at the close contact only to hear Dan let out a low chuckle at my reaction.

He then continued to place his hands around mine which were over the gun "Second rule, both eyes open. People always think you should close one eye but that's wrong. It's actually ruins your vision more and.."

"How don't you know I won't just turn around and shoot you" I cut him off turning my head to face him

"You already tried that Evelyn and it didn't turn out well for you did it?"

I scoffed at the cheeky asshole snapping my head back to the front.

"Now" he continued placing his head next to mine so now we were cheek to cheek. I sucked in a breath at the skin on skin contact but tried to stay calm. "I want you to aim for that tree trunk over there alright" I nodded telling him I understood.

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