Chapter 101: Daikoku American Elementary

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Hey, Death Note fans! A, here! Anyway, before the next chapter begins, I just wanna say that I've changed Jenny a.k.a Ms. Seraphim's job from a teacher at Kanto Region American Middle School to a teacher at Daikoku American Elementary School. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the next chapter. Chapter 101: Daikoku American Elementary!

-Xoxo, A/TexasKira2006 ^_^

P.S. I made a significant change to the story that had yet to be put in the story so...I guess it's okay. 

APRIL 4, 2006


AT 9:02 AM 

                                                                                  KAITO (MR. MIKAMI)

I started to get an uneasy feeling after that. "Could you repeat that?" I asked. "You heard me," the person on the phone answered. "What I'm doing will get me in trouble with law enforcement." I sat there dumbfounded. Who am I talking to? Who is this creep and why the hell was he calling me? I did my best not to tremble my hands since I was driving. "W-who are you?" I asked. "And why did you call me?" The person on the phone softly laughed. "Are you him?" I asked. "Are you the masked man in the school who placed weapons on the wall and danced in front of the security cameras? Are you the guy who placed the explosion devices under the school? Are you responsible for all of this bullsh**?" The person on the phone stayed silent for a little bit before chuckling. "I am," he answered. I started to breathe heavily as my blood began to boil. "And I did a little more than you wanted," the man continued. I gasped after I heard that. I got super angry after I heard that.

I growled. "You..." I let out. "You killed several people when the school collapsed. Did you kill anymore?" The person on the phone laughed. "You've guessed correctly," the man on the phone answered. "I'm Kira." My anger turned into fear after the man said that. I gasped. N-no way! This man is Kira? No, it can't be! I thought to myself. "Don't get the wrong idea," the man said. "I'm not the Kira that's been killing criminals. I'm the other one. You can address me as the Boogeyman...or the Devil. Whichever one suits you. It's not like Satan will get offended because he's not..." I gritted my teeth. "Satan isn't real," I interrupted the man. "Correct," the man told me. "Now, if you don't mind me, I have some business to do." "What kind of business?" I asked. "Heh," the man chuckled. "I'm thinking about giving Daikoku American Elementary a visit, if you don't mind. I'm sure the children won't mind a little visit from the Devil" I started to get angry after I heard that. "No," I said out loud. "Stay away from the children, you psychopath! I swear, if you do anything to hurt them, I will-!" 

Before I could finish, the man hung up. I've never been so sad and angry in my life. I took a sharp turn on the road and sped the way to Daikoku American Elementary so that I could be able to save them in time." 



I was busy dusting the living room since I wasn't going to work today. Besides, the house needed cleaning. (Even though Light claims that he always made sure to clean things, I just cleaned things just in case he forgot or if he was lying.) "Marie, what are you doing?" I heard Light ask. I turned to my right and saw Light with his hands on his hips. "I'm cleaning the living room," I answered. Light sighed and walked into the living room. "You don't have to clean the living room," he reminded me. "It's been taken care of. Give me that." Light snatched the feather duster out from my hands. "I told you that I've already cleaned the house," he continued. "When?" I asked. "While you were sleeping," Light answered. I got confused. "Like the movie While You Were Sleeping?" I asked. "No, like four in the morning," Light answered. "Yes like the movie While You Were Sleeping." "It was a good movie," I commented. "That it was," Light agreed. 

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