Chapter Twenty-Five: Dealing With L

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JANUARY 24, 2006




As I was saying, Light was screaming like a girl my age once they looked into the mirror and saw a pimple on their face. I watched as he continued to scream and I started to get very confused as he kept screaming like that. "Uh...Light," I told him. He continued to keep screaming like a teenager around my age. "Light, you can stop screaming now." He didn't listen and continued to keep screaming. "Hey!" I shouted. That's when Light looked at me and stopped screaming. "What's wrong, Light?" I asked. "And why did you start screaming right when you saw this guy lying on the floor?" Light trembled in fear and got a frying pan from the stove. He continued to whimper and shiver in fear as he placed the frying pan right above the L lookalike's head. I glared at Light. "Is that supposed to be the same thing you used to knock me out with?" I asked. Light growled and pointed the frying pan at me. "Want me to use it on you again?!" he asked. I shook my head. "No," I answered. "Then don't ask me that again!" he shouted at me. "Okay, okay," I said as I moved the frying pan away from me. 

I then looked at the L lookalike as I caressed his messy-styled black hair. "What are you doing?" Light asked as I continued to caress the L lookalike's hair. "Don't do that!" I stopped caressing the L lookalike's hair and continued to look at him with awe. "What?" Light asked right before I looked up at him. "What is he, your boyfriend?" I made an awkward smile on my face and awkwardly chuckled. Light sighed, placed the frying pan down on the floor, and crossed his arms. "So, is that a yes or a no?" he asked. I was about to answer when the L lookalike groaned and woke up. "Oh," he said as he groaned. The L lookalike slightly opened his eyes. "What happened?" he asked. "Nope!" Light said as he picked up the frying pan. With one swift motion, Light hit the L lookalike on the head; thus knocking the L lookalike out again. 

Once the L lookalike was knocked out, Light and I had to carry him up the stairs. "Ugh!" I grunted as I tried to carry the L lookalike by his feet. "He's not that heavy, but I can't stand that I have to carry him by the legs! His toes are moving all over my face!" Light grunted as he continue to carry the L lookalike by his head. "Stop whining!" he complained. "Do you want me to sing that song by Avril Lavigne? Because I'll give you my very own pitchy cover of "Complicated" for you!" I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Not interested, Light," I said as Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII would. "Hey, watch that tone with me, young lady!" Light snapped. "I may not be your biological father, but I'm STILL your Shinigami Daddy, remember?!" I nodded. "Yes, I remember," I told Light. "You really need to change that title, Light."

 We then made eye contact with each other. "Why?" he asked. "I like Shinigami Daddy. It has a nice ring to it." I sighed. "Okay, fine," I told Light. "Shinigami Daddy it is then." "Thank you," he replied. "Now, let's tie this hooker up!" We then brought the L lookalike to my room and placed him in a chair. We decided to get a black fold-up chair and I helped Light tie up the L lookalike's feet as he tied his hands together. Once I was done tying up the L lookalike's feet, I slowly got up, but not before the L lookalike dropped his head and I could feel his mouth on the lower neck as if he was about to start kissing it. "Ugh!" I complained. "Get your mouth off of my neck!" I pushed the L lookalike back in his seat and he slumped his head back as if he was hanging his head off the bed. Light then started moaning like a zombie. "It's the living dead L!" I laughed after  I saw Light doing that to the L lookalike. "Cut that out," I chuckled. "I'm sure he can hear you!" Light chuckled. "He's out right now," Light said. "Why don't we just let him sleep for right now?" I nodded. "Sounds good to me," I told him right before I went downstairs. 

Death Note: The Next KiraOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora