Chapter 67: An Unexpected Death of a Criminal

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FEBRUARY 20, 2006


AT 11:00 AM 


I was busy watching the news at Vincent's house. "On today's news at eleven on Sakura TV, we bring you some shocking news," the female news reporter began. "38-year-old rapist Tetsuhide Sasaki has died in prison due to a heart attack." I gasped once I heard this. "Wow," I let out. I watched as Vincent walked down the stairs with Ryuk. "What?" Vincent asked. "I had no idea that you went after people who were already in jail," I answered. Vincent looked at me with a confused look on his face. Ryuk's face was filled with confusion as well. "I don't," Vincent told me. "Why would you even assume that?" "Look at this," I answered. Vincent and Ryuk came inside the living room to see what was the matter. When they saw the news, they were shocked and didn't expect to see what was on the news. "What in the world?" Ryuk asked in a quiet, but shocked tone. "I don't remember Vincent doing anything like this." Vincent just sat there with his eyes wide open. "How did this happen?" he asked. "Was it Kyrie?" I asked. Vincent looked at me. "I don't think so," Vincent answered. "This isn't Kyrie's way of killing." 

I got out my Motorola Razr and flipped it open. "I'll call her," I told Vincent as I punched in her number. 



I was in my room painting my fingernails with sparkling rose pink on my toenails as I listened to "Show Me Love" by Robyn. That's when I heard my phone ringing. I quickly pressed pause on my CD player, grabbed my phone off of my nightstand, and answered it. "Hello," I greeted the person on the phone. "Hello," I heard Marie greet me back. I smiled once I found out that this was Marie. "Hey, Marie," I greeted her back. "What's up?" "Are you home right now?" Marie asked. I nodded. "Yes," I answered. "It's just me, Midora, and my pets. Why do you ask?" "Turn on the TV," Marie answered. "Why?" I asked. "Just do it," Marie answered. I got up from my bed and went to the living room. Once I got to the living room, I turned on the TV. "For those of you who are just joining us," the male news reporter began. "One of the worst rapists of the 21st century known as Tetsuhide Sasaki has died of a heart attack in prison." I was shocked to hear that. I was happy that he was dead since I was a menace to society, but I had no idea how this happened. 

"Did you or Vincent do this?" I asked. "No," I heard Marie answer. "We didn't do anything like this. I must say that I'm glad that someone like Tetsuhide Sasaki is dead and won't be able to hurt anyone anymore. Anyway, you should ask Daeshim if he did something like this. He's the only other Death Note user that we know of." I nodded. "Okay," I told Marie. "I'll ask him. You should come with me when I confront him about this. Please?" "Well, alright," Marie agreed." "Yay!" I cheered. "Midora, it's time to go!"



I was inside a private room in an American Restaurant with Vincent and Kyrie as we waited for Daeshim to arrive. We had also brought Light, Ryuk, Midora, and Anubis with us since they were our Gods of Death. "What's taking him so long?" Ryuk asked impatiently. "He said that he'd be here as soon as he could." "Daeshim said that he was bringing a guest," Kyrie answered. "And besides, you should be more patient." "I know," Ryuk informed Kyrie. "It's just that this disguise is killing me." "Suck it up, Ryuk," Vincent said to Ryuk. "If Chief Matsusa and Commander Aizawa come, they won't recognize you." "Yeah, because I look like the Grandma from The Addams Family." Kyrie giggled. "It looks good on you," she commented. Ryuk glared at her. "Yeah if you compare it to the disguises that Shaggy and Scooby wore in the original Scooby-Doo show," he commented. "Come on, Ryuk," Vincent chided. "It's not that bad." 

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