Chapter Twenty-Four (Part Three): Trying and Failing to Change the Vision

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JANUARY 24, 2006




I then looked back at Near who was glaring at me. "Not your boyfriend, eh?" he asked. My smile then faded. "No," I answered. "He's not." "But you seem to like it when he's flirting with you," Near added. I hesitated for a little bit. "Well," I began. "Sam's basically what if Sephiroth stayed a good guy and became a supermodel." Near and I looked at Sam who was now in his seat. He was caressing his own long platinum-blonde hair and looking into a black hand mirror. "Such a beautiful man," Sam said quietly. "Just like Sephiroth." Near and I looked at each other. "But he's..." I began. "Very self-obsessive." Near sighed as he picked up a Jenga block. "Indeed," he said as he tried to build something else with the Jenga blocks. I offered to help him, but that's when I got the feeling to look at something. I turned to the left again and saw a guy who looked exactly like L eating a piece of cake. He then turned and looked at me. We stared at each other for quite some time and didn't say anything. "What?" he asked finally breaking the silence. I shook my head and then looked back at Near. I sighed. "What a way to begin a morning," I told him.

That's when a little quake rumbled the ground. It didn't feel like a strong earthquake, but a soft and almost gentle one. However, it didn't stop us from looking around in fear as Near and I held onto something, but I couldn't exactly tell what we were holding onto. "What in the world?" Ms. Hirota asked as we all looked around in fear. The lights flickered a little bit as I saw Mr. Mikami, Ms. Hirota, Mr. Yamamoto, and Principal Mizuki look around the room. I then looked down at Near and saw that he was looking around with a horrified look on his face. "What in the world?" she muttered. Mr. Mikami, Ms. Hirota, Mr. Yamamoto, and Principal Mizuki looked around the room as the lights flickered a little bit, but didn't go on and off. It went on for almost a minute.

Near and I looked down at each other hands only to notice that we were holding hands. "Oh!" I softly exclaimed as I removed my hands from Near's. "It's alright, you two," I heard Halle say. "Especially, you Near." Near turned around and looked at Halle. "It's just a little quake." We all looked at the teachers and the principal who was in the room with us. "Everybody okay?" Mr. Mikami asked. As I looked away, I took this as an opportunity to turn on my phone and see who was messaging me. To my surprise, my phone was already turned on. However, my surprised feeling would soon turn into horror as I saw hundreds of messages from Light saying:





I gasped in horror as I remembered something. It was a dream that I had about the school having a mini-earthquake right before another earthquake took place which was more powerful. I then remembered everybody evacuating the school and seeing hundreds of my schoolmates being slaughtered like on Final Destination and I was one of them who lost their lives too."Oh no," I muttered. Near and Halle turned around so that they could look at me. "Are you okay?" Halle asked. I stayed silent for a few seconds. "He was trying to warn me," I said to myself quietly. "Who was trying to warn you?" Halle asked. "But now it's too late!" Before I could do anything, we heard the sound of something exploding knocking everyone who was standing up to the ground. The quake was now stronger and more violent. Everybody looked around and panicked a lot more. Almost everyone in the classroom was screaming. "Vincent!" I heard Kyrie shout. I looked over and saw her hugging Vincent. "I'm right here!" Vincent replied as he placed his arms around her. Near turned to his right and looked at Halle with a horrified look on his face.

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