Chapter 61 (PART TWO): The Skit

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FEBRUARY 18, 2006


AT 5:57 PM


Once Near, Lidner, and I found our seats, we sat down in them. Remember what Christy said, I got my phone out and called her. "Hey, it's me," I told Christy. "I'm sitting in the middle aisle with Near and Lidner. Anyway, I'll see you after the show." "See you after the show," Christy told me before she hung up. I sat there listening to the music that was playing in the background. It was the song "Coco Jamboo" by Mr. President. I was jamming to this song as a kid in 1996. I was only eight years old and I had my own CD player. My own portable CD player. I missed those. I knew that we still had them, but a lot of people would prefer an iPod or an MP3 player. I used to blast this song along with "Virtual Insanity" by Jamiroquai. Ironically, the future was full of virtual insanities. Light Yagami had become Kira and his reign lasted until his death in 2005. I was the first one who knew that Kira was Light Yagami. I figured that out in a dream that I had on the night of January 28, 2005. 

It came as a big shock when I figured out that he was Kira. He had been working with the police and they didn't know that he was Kira until the day that he died. Since I already knew, it didn't come as a shock to me when they announced on the news that Light Yagami had been Kira all along. Everyone was really shocked and couldn't believe what they were hearing. Sachiko was enraged once she heard this. She was really angry with the Task Force and asked them why they would ever release something like this. Chief Matsuda and Commander Aizawa kept informing her that it was just a mix-up. They lied and told her that Teru Mikami had done it. It was him all this time. At first, I thought that the Task Force hesitated before telling the whole world the truth, but it turns out that the world was never supposed to know that Light was Kira. They weren't supposed to know that Teru Mikami was Kira as well. This was all an accident. Someone accidentally leaked the documents concealing the truth. Once they were leaked, there was no going back. The whole world now knew who Kira was. They all knew about every one of them except for Misa. The world believes that she killed herself. 

The last sighting of her was on top of the building. The police never addressed how exactly Misa killed herself because the truth was that she didn't. Misa Amane had never died. She was secretly arrested and placed in a mental hospital after she went crazy in prison. Now Misa was out roaming scott-free. I couldn't tell Near this because if he did, he wouldn't know what to think. I snapped out of my thoughts as I continued to listen to "Coco Jamboo".  "The '90s had a lot of good music," I whispered to Near. "What?" he asked. "I said that the '90s had a lot of good music," I said a little bit louder. "Can you please speak up?" Near asked. "I didn't get any of that. The music's too loud." "The 90s had a lot of great music," I said in a firm but polite tone. "Oh," Near let out. "Yeah, it's the best era for about anything. Only the music is way too loud. The volume is up way too much. They really need to turn it down." "Yeah, I'm with you on that one," I agreed with Near. 

I looked around as I tried to find Christy, but I didn't see her anywhere. To my surprise, I saw the same woman sitting in the very top row. She looked exactly like the woman who was following me on Valentine's Day. She had dark auburn hair, a blue eye on her left side, a brown eye on her right, and pale skin. I would have said that she looked like Misa if she didn't have dark auburn hair. This felt really familiar. I would have said that this woman was stalking me since she followed me to my house, but since I didn't want to cause any trouble with her, I knew that I shouldn't say anything. I turned around in my seat and faced the football field. "Is everything okay?" Near asked. "Yes," I answered. "It's just that..." "Is it the music?" Near asked. "Because I'm telling you that it's too loud." "No, I've heard you the first time," I answered. 

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