Chapter 61 (PART ONE): More Than Just a Stadium

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FEBRUARY 18, 2006


AT 5:30 PM 


Christy parked in a parking spot at the very front. I heard her let out a sigh. "Here we are," she told me and Khloe. "Now, let's go." I understood why Christy parked at the very front of the building. Not because we could find our car easily, but because it would be harder for any creps to get us. Then again, it would be hard for them to get us because Khloe already proved that after biting my attackers' butt the same day that I got the Death Note. I unbuckled myself and made my way out of the car. "This is going to be fun," Christy commented. "And it's going to be an awesome night." I turned and looked at Christy as Khloe came out of the car. "Christy, do you miss living in America?" I asked. Christy thought about how she was going to answer that. "Sometimes," she answered. "But Japan is a very beautiful place too." Christy locked eyes with me. "How about you?" she asked. "Do you miss living in America?" 

I nodded. "A little bit," I answered. "Other than my family, I also miss The WB." Christy laughed after I said that. "The WB is one of my favorite channels," she commented. I heard my phone ring. "Oh," I let out. "I've gotta take this." I flipped my phone open and accepted the call. "Hello," I greeted the person on the other end of the phone. "Hi, Marie," I heard Kyrie greet me on the phone. "Vincent came up with a disguise for Ryuk so that he can take him to the premiere of Final Destination 3." "Oh, is that so?" I asked. "Wait, if Vincent doesn't have a phone, then how do you know this stuff?" "I'm with Vincent and Ryuk right now," she answered. "I'll be going to the contest in a little bit. Man, I wish you were here. Ryuk looks so..." 



I snickered as I saw Ryuk in his costume. He looked exactly like the Grandma from The Addams Family. The way that he glared at himself in the mirror made it even funnier. Pretty soon, I started laughing hysterically like it was the funniest thing in the world. Vincent tried his best to hold in his laugh. "You've gotta be kidding me," Ryuk said quietly.



Once we were inside the building, I looked inside the building and saw that it was really spacious. There was a cotton candy machine, a popcorn machine, and SO many restaurants. To be fair, this looked more like a shopping mall than a stadium. "This is insane," I said quietly to Christy. "I know," she agreed with me. We saw a man who looked very familiar walking up to us. He was wearing a black beanie, a denim jacket, and a shirt with Link wearing a blue outfit. "Hey," he greeted us. We both recognized him immediately. It was Steve. "Steve!" Christy cried. I watched as she ran to him and gave him a big hug. I walked up to the couple. "Man, it's been forever," Christy commented. "How've you been?"  "I've been good," Steve answered. "And it's only been a few hours, Christy. I didn't realize that you've missed me so much." I watched as Steve looked at me. 

"Hey, Marie," he greeted me. "How've you been?" "I've been better," I answered. Steve and Christy's smiles faded. "Two more classmates from my school died and I've been thinking if there was something that I could have done to stop it." "Oh, that," Steve let out. "I've heard about that. I can't believe all of that happened. I am very sorry." I nodded. "It's okay," I assured Steve. "I hope that you're okay," Steve told me. "I am now," I replied. "Better than how I was when I figured out that they both died shortly after Mei and Jirou. Only except this time it was a murder-suicide." Steve nodded and had a slightly glum look on his face. "I'm aware," he told me. "I'm sorry that you lost four of your friends in a short period of time. That sucks." He wiped the look off from his face. "Anyway," Steve began. "Let's put that aside and have a fun night tonight." I chuckled. "Okay," I said. I started looking around this place. "This place is huge for a stadium," I said to Steve. "Actually, this is a waterpark and a resort," he corrected me. "Have you ever heard of Kalahari?" "The desert?" Christy asked. "No," Steve answered. "I'm talking about..." "I think he's talking about the waterpark and resort," I interrupted Steve. 

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