Chapter 83 (FINAL PART): Rina's Defeat

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FEBRUARY 28, 2006


AT 6:00 PM

                                                                             RINA (OTHER KIRA)

I was caressing a picture of my savior, Kyosuke Higuchi when I heard someone come into the room. "Rina, we have a problem," I heard Isamu say. I sighed in annoyance, got up from my bed, and looked at Isamu with an annoyed look on her face. "Did you find and rape Marie?" I asked. Isamu shook his head. "No," he answered. "The problem is that most of my men are dead. They all died of sudden heart attacks and I'm worried that..." Before he could finish, Isamu groaned in pain, widened his eyes, and clenched his chest. I made a shocked look on my face once I saw this. "What in the...?!" I asked. I watched as Isamu fell to the ground and saw a figure wearing a Ghostface costume behind him. The person in the costume approached me and I took a step back. "You..." I let out knowing who this person was. 


I took off my mask and looked at Rina with an angry look on my face. Rina looked at me turning her face to the side. "It's over, Rina," I informed her. "You've lost." Rina chuckled. "Is this your way of defeating me, Sidney Prescott?" she asked. "Or should I say Alex Browning?" "Marie Monroe is fine," I answered. Rina turned her head to the front. "Okay," she said. "Marie Monroe, is this your way of defeating me? From one Kira to the other?" I nodded. "Looks like it, yeah," I answered. Rina scoffed. "You have some nerve, don't you?" she asked. "Excuse me?" I asked in an offended way. "You heard me," Rina answered. "You have some nerve." I placed my hands on my hips. "You took the lives of many innocent men, women, and children," I reminded Rina. "Now you have the nerve to tell me that I have some nerve?" "Why's that a bad thing?" Rina asked me. I looked at Rina with a serious look on my face. 

Rina's smile disappeared as she realized what I was telling her without saying anything. "Wow," she let out. "You've never killed anyone innocent, have you?" I looked at Rina and didn't utter a single word. She scoffed. "How do you not want to kill anyone innocent?" Rina asked. "You're the successor to Light Yagami and yet he killed innocent people too." "Light didn't have a choice," I reminded Rina. "He killed them so that he wouldn't get caught, not for fun. Even though he killed innocent people as well as criminals, I will never go down the same path that he did. Near is my friend. The SPK and the Japanese police are my allies whether they like it or not. I had to free Chief Matsuda from the restraints and gag that you put him in while he was out..." Rina banged her fist against the computer desk. "You did what?!" she asked. "You heard me!" I answered. "I saved Chief Matsuda so that he could save the rest of his team!" Rina looked at me with sheer rage and growled. "You..." she continued to growl. "You vermin! Why would you help the people who are going after you?!" 

"Because they're good people," I answered. "And it's the right thing to help people when they're in trouble! I use the Death Note to help people unlike you! So if anyone's a vermin, it's you for killing innocent people!" I paused for a second. "Even Kyosuke Higuchi was a vermin too," I continued. Rina looked at me with an angry look on her face as tears fell from her eyes. "You shut the hell up!" she barked as she charged at me. I kicked her in the stomach and she groaned in pain before placing her hands around her stomach. Rina threw a punch at me but I was able to stop her. I swung her around and threw her on the ground. Rina landed on her back and exclaimed as her back collided with the floor. All of a sudden, Rina grabbed my leg and I yelped. I screamed as she pulled me down on the floor and got on top of me.

This felt very wrong. Rina didn't try to attack me for once, but the way that she had me pinned down felt like she thought that I was her girlfriend. To be honest, I had nothing against lesbians or gay people, but I for one, wasn't gay. I was never attracted to my gender. I looked into Rina's eyes with fear in them. By looking into Rina's eyes, I could tell that it was looking into the eyes of a psychopath. Rina smirked as she noticed the fear in my eyes. "You stupid little wench," she said sadistically. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "What did I ever do to you? I didn't even know you before you started killing innocent people." I struggled even though Rina had me in her grasp. "Get off of me!" I shouted. "What the hell is your problem?" "Oh, I don't know, Marie," Rina chortled. "It seems like you've got the most attention from that overrated sensei than anyone ever had." "Overrated sensei?" I asked. "Who are you...?" I stopped talking as I realized who Rina was talking about. "Mr. Mikami?" I asked. 

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