Chapter Fifty-Five (PART ONE): When There's No One There

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AT 4:40 PM 


I was on the couch thinking about what to watch as I sat there and continued to watch TV. Nothing but a bunch of commercials. I thought to myself. (Now please remember that this was the mid-2000s. A lot of interesting commercials from this time, but of course, I took them for granted.) I loved the commercials I saw. They were really cute and nostalgic (when I look back on it now), but I got really bored sitting there and watching nothing but a whole bunch of commercials. I heard the sound of Khloe whimpering. I looked down at her and patted her on the head. Khloe looked up at me and panted as she wagged her tail. "Do you wanna decide what movie to watch, Khloe?" I asked. "Woof," she barked for an answer. I chuckled. "Okay," I told her. "Let's see what movies we brought from America." I was about to head to the big closet where we had all of our movies and video games, but that's when I heard the house phone ringing.

I turned and looked at the kitchen where the house phone was. I heard the sound of Khloe whimpering. I headed straight to the kitchen and Khloe started to whine even more. I looked down at her and gently shushed her. "It's okay, girl," I told her. "I'm sure it's Christy again." I walked to the kitchen and picked up the house phone right next to the stove. "Hello," I said answering the phone. "Hi, is Marie there?" I heard a guy ask. I was a bit surprised that someone would ask for me on the house phone. "Yes," I answered. "I'm Marie." "Oh, good," the guy said. "I was hoping that it was you due to your beautiful voice." I giggled and blushed since I knew that this guy was obviously flirting with me. "Anyway, you got a boyfriend?" the guy asked. I shook my head. "No," I answered. "Well, I did, but we broke up about a month ago." "Aw, that's too bad," the guy told me. "Anyway, are you going to the dance tonight for your school?" I shook my head. "No," I answered. "I'm waiting for Junior prom." 

"Meh," the guy let out. "Forget about junior prom, senior prom is much better." I chuckled. "I won't get to know that until I become a senior this fall." "Class of '06, huh?" the man asked me. "Cool." "Anyway, I don't mean to sound rude, but why exactly did you call me?" I asked. "Do I need to have a reason?" the man asked. "Well, it would be better if you did have one," I answered. "So, what kind of reason would you come up with?" The man stayed silent on the other end of the phone. I thought that he was going to respond back soon, but he didn't. I was about to hang up when...

"It's much scarier when I don't need one," the man answered, but he didn't have the same voice as before. Instead, it was the voice of the man that kept harassing me. My blood froze after I heard his voice again. "Hello, Marie," the man responded back in his stalker voice. "Did you really think that I was going to give up?" I exhaled in fear. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "Oh, nothing," the man answered. "Just checking up on you this Valentine's Day. I hear that you're all alone and that you don't have anyone to hold." I tried my best not to get overly freaked out. "You know," the man began. "You're very cute when you're scared. Yeah, I like that. I'm sure you and John would have had a nice long life together if it weren't for his father along with your parents." "How do you know about John?" I asked. "I do my own research," the man answered. "Anyway, I'd love to stick around and antagonize you, but I have plans for today." 

"What kind of plans?" I asked. The man on the other end of the phone softly laughed. "What?" I asked in a serious tone. "What's so funny?" "You'll find out," the man answered. "You'll find out." I started to breathe heavily through my mouth. "Goodbye, Marie," the man continued. "Goodbye...for now." Just before I was about to hang up, the man hung up on me. I slowly lowered the phone to my pocket and wondered what he meant by that. I was suspicious of why the man kept calling me and harassing me like Ghostface. I had no idea why they were doing this. It wasn't funny and it was really scaring me. I knew that this man played a cruel prank on me in my vision. I picked up the phone and all of a sudden, numbers popped up and I saw the numbers: 

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