Chapter 59 (PART TWO/FINAL PART): Astral Projection

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FEBRUARY 15, 2006




Once Light and I were done setting up the candles, we laid down close to each other. I really had doubts about this. Even though the whole astral projection thing sounded pretty cool, I've never done it before so I was a little nervous. "You ready?" I heard Light ask me. I nodded. "Sure," I answered. "Good," Light answered. "Now all that I have to do is..." I watched as Light turned his direction to the candles and pointed at them. The candles all began to light up. This made me lose it. "Light," I said nervously. "You're kidding, right?" I watched as he looked at me. "No," Light answered. "Why are you acting so scared?" "W-what if one of the candles gets knocked over and I'm set on fire?" "You won't," Light answered as he tried to comfort me. Alex will intervene if something goes wrong and if Christy comes home early." I looked up at Alex. "I've done this many times before I was born," he answered. "You're that old?" I asked. Alex growled and hissed at me.

"Good to know," Light told him. "No way," I added. "Were you born when the first season of Stanger Activities first aired on TV?" "Act him that later," Light answered. "Right now, please focus on astral projecting." "Okay, okay," I told Light. I laid back down on the floor with him and tried to concentrate. Dean tried his best not to growl and just let out a single meow.I closed my eyes and pictured the place of the crime scene. Not even five seconds later, I opened my eyes and found myself standing outside of the house where I saw Mamoru's body being taken out of. The yellow tape that said "CRIME SCENE DO NOT ENTER" was still up. Chief Matsuda nor any of the other officers had taken it down yet. 

"Are you ready?" I heard Light ask. I looked at him and nodded right before we headed straight to the door. I turned the doorknob expecting the door to open, but it didn't. I turned and looked at Light. "It's locked," I told him. "Nah," he let out. I watched as he pulled out a paper clip and bent it out of shape. "All we have to do is use this," Light continued. I continued to watch as Light placed the steel wire into the door lock. It jiggled for about five seconds before he got the door open. "Yes!" I cheered in a loud whisper. "Works every time," Light commented. I walked into the house and saw the shape of a man lying on the ground drawn with chalk. "This must have been where they found Mamoru," I told Light. "Looks too masculine to be a girl," he commented. I looked around for the thing that Pauline could have murdered Mamoru with. "Woah," Light let out. "Marie, you really need to take a look at this." I turned and saw the burner of the stove with a burned mark on the right burner. 

"What the hell?" I asked. "What is that?" "I don't know," Light answered. "It looks like something burned on the stove." We both stayed silent for a little bit. "Or maybe something blew up on the stove," I heard Light say. "Wouldn't the house just burn down?" I asked as I made a confused look on my face. Light shrugged. "Yes, but in some cases maybe not," he answered. "This case is what I'd call glad that the house didn't burn down." "That doesn't explain why Pauline murdered Mamoru," I reminded Light. "There are hardly any clues here." Suddenly, I felt something crunch underneath my feet. I slowly looked down and saw shards of glass on the floor. "Glass?" I asked. I turned and saw a broken lava lamp on the floor right next to the drawing of a dead man. "A broken lava lamp?" Light asked. I bent down and looked at the broken lava lamp. "I don't get it," I said to Light. "Pauline murdered Mamoru and herself by breaking a lava lamp?" "Not breaking," Light answered. "She must have placed it on the stove and it killed them both. It's an unusual way to take someone's life, but I must say that is disturbing. But why would Pauline want to murder Mamoru if she acted like she loved him so much?" 

I looked inside the lava lamp and found something very suspicious in it. I slowly reached inside the lava lamp. "Uh, I wouldn't do that," I heard Light say. "You could cut yourself." A few seconds after he said that I grabbed what was in the lava lamp and pulled it out. I softly gasped once I found out that it was a knife covered with blood. "A knife," I heard Light let out. "So did Pauline murder Mamoru with that knife?" I was going to let out an answer, but that's when it hit me. When I was spending the night at Mr. Mikami's house, I slipped and a knife almost hit me after it fell from the kitchen counter. "No," I answered. "Now that I think about it,...what if it wasn't like that?" 

Light and I looked at each other. "We should check out the house," I said to him. We made our way across the house and winded up into the garage. There were a million shards of glass all over the floor. "Again?" I asked. "What's with the shards of glass?" "I don't know," Light answered. I made my way to Pauline's car and saw that the windshield was smashed. "The windshield's broken," I told Light. I heard Light's footsteps coming up to me. "I don't get it," he said. "How could someone commit suicide by breaking their windshield?" There was a brief moment of silence. "It looks like it was broken from the outside, not the inside," Light continued. "So how was Pauline able to kill herself when she smashed the windshield from the outside?" I slowly turned around and saw something that made me want to scream. 

"Light," I said in a fearful tone. "What?" he asked. I pointed to the garage door and found it broken in the middle. I heard Light softly gasp as we continued to look at the garage. "The garage door is broken," I said out loud. I looked down and saw a chalk drawing in the shape of a dead woman. I gasped and covered my mouth. I slowly uncovered my mouth and started heavily breathing. "That was it," I said after I uncovered my mouth. "That's how Pauline committed suicide." I turned around and looked at Light. "She crushed herself with the garage door," I told him. "If she crushed herself with the garage door, then why did she smash her windshield?" Light asked. "Did she go crazy right before killing Mamoru? Or did she smash it right before she killed herself?" 

I heard the front door open. "The door's open," I heard Chief Matsuda say. "Why is the door open?" I heard Officer Ide ask. Light and I gasped once we heard the police officers enter the house. "Alright, who's in here?" we heard Chief Matsuda ask. "Quick! We have to get out of here!" Light exclaimed. Light and I ran into a room that was in the garage. 

Not even a second later, I gasped and sat up on the floor to find myself back in my house. I heard Light sit up as I looked at the candles only to see that they were blown out. I heard Alex meow. I turned and looked at Alex to find him in the exact same spot on my bed. I shrugged. "Not so fun," I answered. "It was more disturbing than fun." Alex trilled. We heard the door to my room open. I turned and found Ryuzaki there. He seemed a bit alarmed when he saw the candles and found me sitting up on the ground with Light. "Hey," he greeted us. "Did I miss anything interesting?" "No," I heard Light answer. "We were just astral projecting." Ryuzaki nodded. "Sounds fun," he commented. "Well, you both can have some chocolate chip cookies I made in the oven." I nodded. "Sure," Light said to Ryuzaki. "We'll be right there." 

Once Ryuzaki closed the door, I scooted back down and looked at Light. "Do you think we should go back once Chief Matsuda and Officer Ide get out of the house?" I asked Light. He shook his head. "And risk having them find out that you are Kira?" Light asked. "No way. We should just wait for the police to release the full story." "Okay," I said as I brought my knees up. "What do you really think happened?" 

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