Chapter 66: In Jail

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FEBRUARY 19, 2006


AT 1:10 PM

                                                                                KAITO (MR. MIKAMI) 

I sat in the back of the police car worried to death about what was going to happen to me. I was being sent to jail for something that I didn't mean to do. I never meant to hurt Geffrey. He was an extremely unlikable kid though. I just let one mistake lead me to this moment. I wish that Geffrey wouldn't have said such mean things to me or done what he did when he was a student at Kanto Region American High School. I don't know how the police got involved, but I knew that things weren't going to be good for me. I had no idea how long I was going to be in jail or what Minako would do without me. As I said before, I had no idea who these police officers were. I didn't trust them as I did the main members of the Task Force. These police officers just showed up out of the blue. I was acquainted with almost everyone in the Japanese Task Force, but not these two. They must have been fairly new. I just hope they won't be hard on me. I thought to myself. 

When we drove into the prison parking lot, I saw a lot of prisoners throwing trash at the car. I was terrified at the scene and I thought that something bad was going to happen to me. 


                                                                           KAITO (MR. MIKAMI) 

They took my picture soon. I never felt so ashamed in my life. At that very moment, I felt like a criminal. I was very upset about everything. For the first time in my life, since I had met Minako, I was feeling very negative. "Look at him," one of the police officers teased me. "He looks just like his brother, Teru Mikami." The police officers laughed. 


                                                                        KAITO (MR. MIKAMI) 

I turned on the shower and a bunch of cold water sprayed back at me. "Damn it!" I swore in a loud whisper. I heard people laughing. I turned around and saw a group of men with no clothes on teasing me from across the room. "What a baka," one of them said out loud. "I betcha he isn't even a real Japanese man. He's covering his nakedness." Another one laughed as they pointed at the towel I had around my waist. "My God," he let out. "What a dweeb." I saw a man who looked to be of Chinese descent looking at me. He looked like he felt bad for me. "Kon'itchiwa," he greeted him. "Kon'itchiwa," I greeted me back. 


                                                                   KAITO (MR. MIKAMI) 

I was forced to place on a prisoner's outfit that was the color blue. It was a Caribbean blue and to be honest, it didn't look that bad. However, once I placed on the outfit, I came to the disappointing resolution that it didn't fit. It was too big for me. I sighed. At least the underwear was just right. I thought to myself. I heard a whole bunch of people laughing at me. I looked up and saw the same group of people looking at me. I didn't pay any more attention to them because I knew that they weren't worth my time. However, they were getting under my skin though. More than anything, I wanted to get out of here. I wanted to hold Minako in my arms. I wanted to kiss her lips, I wanted her to place her head on my chest, and for her to know that everything was alright. Here, it felt like Hell on Earth. I wasn't religious, but I knew for sure that Hell was one thing that almost felt like it was a place on Earth rather than Heaven. I hoped that Minako would be okay. All that I wanted was to be with her. She must have been suffering so much at this moment. I didn't want her to suffer because I was in jail for something that I didn't mean to do. I felt as if I was going to have a mental breakdown because I wasn't with her. 

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