Pre-Chapter 61: Before Leaving For The Contest

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FEBRUARY 18, 2006


AT: 5:00 PM


I applied some dark eyeshadow on my eyelids as I prepared to get ready for the concert. I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I said to the person outside my room. The door opened as I continued to apply another layer of eyeshadow. Once I finished, I looked up and saw Light standing there. "Hey," he greeted me. "Hi," I greeted him back. "Aren't you a vision?" Light asked. I smiled after he said that. "Thanks," I told him before closing my eyeshadow palette. "Anyway, where's Ryuzaki?" I watched as Ryuzaki walked into the room and as Light left. "Hey," he greeted me. "Hey," I greeted him back. "You look nice." "Thank you," I told Ryuzaki. "I'm not done, but by the time I'm done, I'll look like Vampira." I picked up my eyeshadow palette and dug through my makeup bag. "What are you looking for?" Ryuzaki asked. "Lipstick," I answered. 

We all stayed silent as I continued to look for lipstick. The sound of me digging through my bag was the only thing that we heard. "Anyway," Ryuzaki began. "They said that the skit that the Kanto Region American High School will be big. Like Disney just released a new animated movie. Do you know what it's about?" "No," I answered. "But I can't say that I'm not interested." I took out a thing of lipstick and opened it up. I gazed in the mirror as I placed lipstick on my lips. The shade of a raven's feather was filled onto my lips. Black was my favorite color for lipstick and it was the only lipstick color I'd ever wear. I loved red, but black was special. Red was the color that Misa Amane wore on her lips and it went along with her pale skin very well. My skin was darker. I loved the color red, but I was told that I was too young to wear red lipstick. I wouldn't have minded wearing a burgundy or a maroon shade on my lips, but I hadn't turned seventeen yet. I cheated death two and a half times...maybe three. I hadn't even turned seventeen yet and a lot of stuff was happening. 

For example, I could have suffered massive head damage if I didn't tell everyone to evacuate the school and I could have drowned in the crypt with Vincent at the mall during the Misa Misa Legacy Concert. Although I was grateful that Vincent and I survived, four of my friends died soon after we escaped. Mei, Jirou, Mamoru, and Pauline. I wasn't so sure if Pauline had murdered Mamoru or not. As said, Light wasn't convinced that this was a murder-suicide. He thinks that Mamoru and Pauline both were caught up in another freak accident. According to him, the lava lamp had exploded and that's what killed Mamoru. Once Mamoru was dead, Pauline tried to get help, but that's when she stepped on the glass and got hurt. When she saw the garage door open, she tried to get out, but that's when the garage door came down and unfortunately crushed her. Then again, that was just Light's theory. I wasn't so sure if that was what really happened, but Light believes it. Being his human (and witch), I would believe him, but I still didn't know what the knife had to do with it. However, I would believe that Mamoru somehow slipped on the ground and the knife fell into him. 

Well...yes. That made sense since I slipped on some water and a knife almost fell into me when I was spending the knife at Mr. Mikami's house. So, yes. I almost believed that part especially since I narrowly cheated death that night. So three times. "I like the color of your lipstick," Ryuzaki told me. "It makes you look tough." I grinned after Ryuzaki said that. "Thank you," I told him. "It's the only color I wear." "It looks nice," Ryuzaki commented. "Anyway, I've been wanting to ask you something." I rolled down my lipstick and placed the lid on it. "What is it?" I asked as I closed my eyeshadow palette. "Well, if your life were a movie or a show, who would you want to play you?" I asked. "Uh..." I let out as I tried to think about who I wanted to play me in a movie or in a show. "Well," I began. "I don't know. What would you see me as?" "I see you as a young Winona Ryder herself," Ryuzaki answered. "And with that hair, you could basically be Snow White." I chuckled. "Thanks," I said to him. "But my skin is a little too dark to have Winona Ryder play as me not to mention that she's almost thirty-five. Another thing is that Snow White is pale and I'm tan. So maybe I could dress up as Snow White for Halloween." 

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