Post-Chapter Forty-Seven: Nothing But a Short Miracle

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FEBRUARY 9, 2006


AT 7:25 PM 


I continued to weep on Vincent's chest as I heard Chief Matsuda and Commander Aizawa talking. "Do you have the Pierce Family's phone number?" I heard Chief Matsuda ask. "Yes," I heard Commander Aizawa answer. "This will be the hardest thing you'll ever have to tell his parents," Chief Matsuda added. "It would be a miracle if..." I heard Commander Aizawa try to finish just when I heard the sound of someone coughing out water. I gasped once I felt Vincent's chest move. I looked up at him and saw water coming out of his mouth. Everyone in the crowd gasped and I stood there with my eyes wide open. Once Vincent was done spitting out the water that was in his mouth, he coughed a little bit. I watched as Vincent gasped for air as he sat up. "Where I am?" Vincent asked right when he rubbed his eyes with his right hand. "Luna, is that you?" "No," I answered as a smile appeared on my face. "I'm so happy that you're still alive."

 I quickly wrapped my arms around Vincent. It took a few seconds until he gently wrapped his arms around me. "I was so scared," I told him. "I thought you were dead." "You thought I was dead?" Vincent asked. "I thought I got crystallized in frozen Mako." We all laughed after he said that. Just then, Vincent and I stopped hugging. We both just sat there with our arms around each other and looked at each other. All of a sudden, we heard the crowd say, "Aw." in a cute way  "Now kiss!" I heard someone from the crowd shout. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" I heard a girl yell out. Just then, Vincent's smile faded. "Marie, can I ask you something?" he asked me. "Has there ever been a kissing scene between Vincent Valentine and Yuffie Kisargi?" I awkwardly smiled at Vincent. "You're right," I told him. 

Vincent and I let go of each other as the crowd said, "Aw." in a pouting way. "Lame!" I heard a guy shout out. "Stupid, Vincent Valentine lookalike, you could have just kissed the Goth girl!" 


I looked at Osuke and sighed. "You know," I began when Osuke looked at me. "A kissing scene with Vincent Valentine and Yuffie Kisargi is hard to imagine." Osuke slightly turned and nodded his head. 


As most of the crowd turned around and left, I felt the sudden urge to get to hug Vincent again. I wrapped my arms around him. "The hell are you doing?" Vincent asked. "I just couldn't help it," I answered. "I'm just so happy that you weren't dead." I felt Vincent place his arms around me again. "Yeah," he said out loud. "I'm happy that you made it out too. Anyway, thanks for coming back to get me." I placed my hand on Vincent's chest and could feel his heart beating. "I can feel your heart beating," I told him. I got pretty emotional again. "It scared me," I continued. "Marie," I heard Vincent say. "Marie." I looked back into Vincent's eyes. "Your heart stopped," I told him as tears ran down from my eyes. "Your heart stopped." "It's beating perfectly fine now," Vincent told me. "Thanks to you." Just then, Vincent and I started smiling at each other again for a few seconds. 

"Hold up!" I heard Kyrie call out. We both turned as we wiped the smiles off our faces. "All this cuddling is adorable, but please make way for Vincent's number-one best friend!" she continued as she ran up to us.  I quickly moved out of the way and watched as Kyrie pushed Vincent down to the floor. "Ow!" he cried out. "Kyrie, get off!" "Sorry," Kyrie told him. "I'm just really happy that my best friend is still alive! I was so scared!" "Boo!" we heard a guy yell out. We all turned to the left and looked in the direction where the voice was coming from. "Nobody wants to see Aerith Gainsborough kissing Vincent Valentine! Boo!" the guy continued. "Go hook Aerith up with Cloud Strife! Hook Vincent Valentine with someone else!" "SHUT UP!" we all yelled at the guy who was saying that. 

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