Pre-Chapter Twenty-Five (Part Two): L/Ryuzaki is Back In School

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JANUARY 24, 2006



                                                                         L (RYUZAKI)

I was walking into the school wearing the usual outfit, but with a black school jacket that said, "Class of '06" in Japanese. (In other words, it said: "2007-Nen sotsugyo") And also, I was wearing a black and white plaid cap on my head that I got from Hot Topic back when I was still in America. I was also blasting music through my earbuds on my iPod. The song was "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day. I wanted to know more about the people that I was living with. This Gothic girl and this one girl who was from New Jersey. Her name was Christy Grim. I think I remember hearing about her on the news about how Simon Cowell and the other judges said, "No." because they felt that she had too much power in her voice. I was upset about Christy not being able to perform more on American Idol.

However, I liked how Avril Lavigne, My Chemical Romance, and Christina Aguilera actually wanted her to tour with them. I was actually very ecstatic that I was living with the pop star Christy Grim. She had such an amazing voice! I know that right then and there she would prove Simon Cowell along with the other judges wrong. I never went to any of Christy Grim's concerts, but I did go to a few Lizzie Silver concerts. I loved the way how Lizzie played her violin, cello, and bass during her concert as she mixed it with trance and techno. Everybody in the crowd went absolutely insane! I was the one usually sitting up in the bleachers so I could get a better view. Anyway, I heard that Lizzie had also lived in Japan as well so that she could pursue her music career.

Besides being excited that I was living in the same country where Christy Grim and Lizzie Silver moved to so that they could pursue their music career, I was also very unhappy that I was back in Japan. It made me very unhappy that those meddling kids who used a summoning spell on me took me out of Waco, TX, and brought me back to a place where it felt like everyone on the Task Force had a thing against me. Everybody has been like that ever since Watari died. I would have never guessed that I had seen his spirit in the hospital and that the message he gave me was heartbreaking, but yet very acceptable. My adoptive father left me in this world telling me that he'll come back for me, but he never did yet. Maybe it must be because I haven't died yet and that my time would arrive rather later than sooner. As much as I loved Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, they would both never compare to Watari. They were the married couple that I was talking about earlier. Well, we may not have time to get into all the things that happened to me once Kira was over, but we do have time to get into what happened earlier today.

Anyway,...let's continue:

I walked into the bathroom so I could do a Number One at the urinal station. Thankfully, the bathroom wasn't that crowded so I could use the bathroom just fine. However, just because it wasn't crowded, doesn't mean that there was hardly anybody in there. I unzipped my pants and did my business when I noticed a group of boys with a radio from the 1980s. I turned and glanced at them as I was busy doing my business. They were playing a few songs on the radio like "Rocky Moutain High" by John Denver, "Into the Void" by Nine Inch Nails, and "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC. I shook my head and looked away from them as I was almost done doing my business. "What's with the Final Destination playlist?" I asked quietly. "Come on guys," I heard one of them say. "Let's go."

As they left, I zipped my pants back up and flushed the urinal toilet. I then headed to the sink so I could wash my hands and wash my hands off with soap along with somewhat lukewarm water. That's when I heard the sound, "It's A Beautiful Life" by Ace of Base. I looked up at the ceiling as the song was playing from the intercom. "Ace of Base?" I asked myself. I then nodded my head. "Yeah," I said out loud. "I guess you can say that." That's when the intercom went off. "Students," I heard someone's voice with a voice changer that I used that was similar to mine before Watari died and I got stabbed, but thankfully, I recovered just fine. "Please make sure that you make it to your classes on time and do a good job in school." There was a brief moment of silence. "Then you can party like the school's coming down. I repeat, then you can party like the school's coming..." That's when the voice became distorted and the intercom was cut off. I looked around awkwardly as I heard TV static coming from the intercom. "Okay," I said awkwardly. A few seconds later, the song, "Running Up That Hill" by Kate Bush came on the radio.

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