Chapter 67

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Yess oppa you don't know what happened then, - Hana continued As it was dinner time, she was continuously mumbling her and her sister's school and childhood stories to the brothers who were also laughing and listening to her very interestingly.

Yaah Hana you weren't supposed to tell this – Sohee rolled her eyes and wacked Hana as she told them an embarrassing moment of her. Others chuckled loudly: it's okay, everyone has embarrassing moments – said Namjoon.

Sohee nodded and continued eating.

Hana was the youngest and she was completely acting like it. She was cute yet a complete chatterbox always attracting everyone's attention.

While Sohee didn't talk very much but she was very confident in whatever she did. her body language, her manners, everything was so on point that y/n couldn't help but feel insecure seeing the two sisters being the center of attraction.

She was just playing with her food listening to everyone talking.

y/n looked up shocked when a morsel was placed in front of her mouth, she looked up and it was Jimin, he had already noticed something off with her.

y/n looked around embarrassed, they might find it humiliating that her brother was taking care of her such small needs.

But when no one noticed them, she ate it from his hand. Jimin smiled as he served some more food in her plate: eat – he mumbled so that only y/n could hear as he was sitting right beside her.

y/n with great difficulty started eating, the environment was making her very uncomfortable. She was so used to becoming the center of attraction for her brothers that it hurts to even think about sharing them with someone else.

This has become her comfort zone without her even realizing.

Finally the dinner ended. And both the sisters retired to the guest room as others also went to their rooms.

Maybe that's just natural of them. Maybe I am thinking a bit too much – these maybe's didn't let her sleep that night properly, all she could think was how the sisters are going to steal her family.

I am the one thinking bad about them, maybe I am the villain character here - Yes she is an overthinker and a very insecure person, she might have her reasons for that but y/n doesn't give herself the margin of reasons. She is always very harsh to herself.

She took her phone and started scrolling through Instagram reels as she wasn't able to sleep.

y/n kept scrolling for hours but it did more worse than good to her. She put her phone down as a low battery warning appeared on it and plugged it into charging.

Her head was throbbing with pain as she laid down. She slowly got up and took out a painkiller from the drawer as she gulped it with water. Finally after about thirty minutes of tossing around in bed, sleep engulfed her.

Next morning,

y/n groaned and turned away when someone shook her.

You are going to be late princess. get up now – Jin said shaking her. But y/n didn't budge. It was the effect of medicine that wasn't letting her get up.

y/n! I said get up right now – he said a bit sternly when y/n didn't get up even after nth tries.

y/n flinched hearing his stern voice and immediately sat up but she was still swaying as she wasn't up fully.

Morning oppa – she smiled sheepishly as she rubbed her eyes.

Morning baby but mind telling me when did you sleep last night – he raised a brow.

y/n just shook her head: after dinner

Jin glared at her: woah what a useful information you gave me.

y/n looked away, she can't lie to him.

We will have a talk about this later. For now go freshen up or you will be late – he said.

y/n nodded: okay

Jin: now y/n! don't sleep again.

y/n nodded and went to washroom to freshen up.

After some time she came downstairs after getting ready, everyone was already settled on the table but they had not started eating yet.

Good morning – she said before settling down on her seat

Good morning princess/y/n/unnie – everyone replied.

y/n start getting up early, don't make it into a habit – Yoongi said as he took a look at his watch.

Hearing him, y/n wanted nothing else than digging her grave in the ground – woah! What a beautiful start of the morning – she thought to herself.

Baby, hyung said something – Jungkook nudged her.

y/n looked up and saw Yoongi staring at her, he wasn't angry but even the serious aura of them makes her nervous.

y-yes oppa – she merely whispered as her cheeks got red with embarrassment, the presence of two outsiders was adding so much more to it.

Ok enough, start eating guys- Jin said to change the situation.

Everyone nodded and focused on food.

After breakfast;

so Y/n and Jungkook are with me, can Taehyung drop you guys or you want driver? – Namjoon asked Sohee

Tae jolted hearing him and looked, infact glared at him but Namjoon shrugged: Hana's school is on the way to university – he thought to send them with Taehyung because he can't send y/n with him and moreover he has already felt that y/n is uncomfortable in their presence so he can't take them with him too.

And others have already left so Taehyung was the only option left, moreover everyone had to go to different places so it would be a bother for them but since he is going to the university too, Namjoon thought to send them with him.

No need of driver oppa, we will be fine – sohee said with a grateful smile.

y/n scoffed mentally. She just wanna kick this sohee out of her sight but the more she tries to avoid her, the more she comes in front of her.

Taehyung also mentally slammed his head to the wall, he doesn't want anyone else other than y/n but minding the fact that they are guests, he has to show respect.

All of them settled in the cars,

All y/n wanted to do when she saw sohee entering his car was to run away from this situation. Her heart was screaming to claim her place in his things but she knew she had lost the right to do it.

So she just did what she could as she dug her nails in her skin under the sleeve of her overall turning the heartache into physical ache.

To be continued...

Hi! chapter 67 is up. will be waiting for your feedback <3

guys the response on previous chapter is so low, I already said, I will only update more frequently, if I get good response since it is the only thing that motivates me to write.

I know you all want some spice in the story but I am writing a story, I can't directly add things y'all want, I have to build the momentum first and it takes much more energy to write these chapter so pls be generous while voting and commenting.

P.S: Guys do inline comments pls, it's not about me. I just feel like y'all aren't involved in the story

Take care <3

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