Chapter 46

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Princess -jin called her for the nth time now- we are getting late.

Just a minute oppa -she shouted from her room upstairs.

All her brothers were downstairs already waiting for her patiently.

After a minute or so, she came out and started descending down the stairs while fixing the rings on her fingers.

Everyone gasped looking at her. She was looking an ethereal beauty clad in emerald green gown paired with gold heels. Her hair straightened neatly and parted from middle making them reach a bit lower than her waist. Everything from her winged eyeliner to her painted toenails was screaming perfection.

(Mostly the writers give pictures in such situations but I want you all to imagine however you want because we are all beautiful the way we are, so I don't want to post white-washed pictures of anyone for imagination. You are also free to imagine the outfit and look I just wrote what I liked)

Woah! Jungkook exclaimed.
That's when everyone came out of trance.

Focus on the stairs baby -jin warned warmly
She just smiled sheepishly and started descending down more carefully.

She came down and stood in front of them: let's go oppa

Jin: wait -
Hoseok exclaimed immediately: oh my! Is that my y/n. You are looking so pretty baby.
Everyone agreed with him.

Y/n smiled at him while a slight blush coated her rosy cheeks making the makeup glow more.
Y/n: my makeup skills are good I guess -she smiled cheekily- you all are looking so good yourself.

Yoongi: thankyou and about the makeup skills ofcourse they are but it's you that makes you beautiful. Makeup looks different on everyone and that's what makes you unique even if you are wearing makeup.

Namjoon: and trust us you are looking stunning princess and that's not only because of makeup or outfit but because of you.

Y/n just smiled a bit embarrassed. She wasn't used to having attention like this.
Y/n: umm I think we should go now.

Others nodded and jin pecked slightly on her forehead.
But there was one person who was still in daze. He was just staring at her standing there like a statue.

Oww -he hissed when jimin pinched his hand.

Jungkook: what happened hyung? -he heard as he was standing near them.

Taehyung: huhh! Oh no nothing -he glared at jimin when he realized who just smirked in return.

Jungkook: okay let's go then. They are already outside.

Jimin: you go kookie we are just coming.
Jungkook nodded and headed outside.

Jimin then turned to Taehyung who just rolled his eyes.
Jimin: now you Mr. why were you openly gawking at my sister -he slapped him on head

Oww, stop ruining my hair minnie, and about that your sister is so pretty I just can't help -he grinned sheepishly.

Jimin just rolled his eyes and ruffled his hair again teasingly and ran out smirking at him.
He knew Tae meant no ill intentions towards y/n as they have already talked about this.

Tae ran behind him cursing him for ruining his perfectly designed hair.
Tae: you wait shorty, how dare you ruin my hair

Jimin just chuckled loudly: I am not short okay -he yelled as he had already reached his siblings while Tae was still behind him.

You are, see you're shorter than all of us -he yelled back as he stopped to set his hair in the hall mirror.

Jimin: no y/n is shorter than me -he grinned while the hyung line shook their heads. Vmin bickering before an event was the most normal thing in their house.

Y/n: I am wearing heels today oppa -she pouted

Jimin: i bet you will be still shorter than me.
Jungkook: let's do a comparison then. Y/n stand with hyung -he said excitedly

Jimin stood up proudly against y/n. There was still an inch difference between them.

Jimin: see -he smirked proudly.
Y/n pouted: see oppa they are making fun of me

Her one whine and all her elder oppas were ready to pounce on maknaes.

Jin: aishh stop it guys. We are getting late. My princess is cute the way she is.

Y/n smirked at her jikook: you are my fave jin oppa
Jin: I know right -he exclaimed smiling at her. Others just looked at them with so done face.

Just now jin was yelling at them about being late and here both of them are busy complementing each other.

Jungkook: but she is hot today -he teasingly smiled sweet at y/n.

I agree -Tae bit his tongue when he realized what he said.
Y/n blushed hard hearing his voice. She didn't notice him till now as she was busy with her brothers but now when she saw he is looking like an absolute greek god.
Not that her brothers were looking any less, but he was pulling her heart's strings in a different way.

So handsome -her mind screamed but she bit her lower lip from blurting it out.

Tae: uhh I mean -he looked around nervously to see all of his brothers looking at him suspiciously except jimin- y-yeah she is looking pretty.

Jin rolled his eyes at the love birds: anyways enough now let's go.
Like this they settled on the car.

As they are on their way now let me tell you the background story, y/n showed her professor the signatures and thankfully he accepted it without any suspicion. In short life passed peacefully in the past couple of days and now they are on the way to annual dinner night (idk how many names I have already given it hehe, I might change it in previous chapters if i get the time to edit them) happening in the Kim university. As the parents were invited too so all the brothers are going with them.

To be continued...

Hi! I just updated hehe.
I know I promised to update soon but this is the soonest I could get time to write. Still it's like 4 am and my phone's battery is like 3% only but I wrote a chapter for you.

Now if you want to return my efforts fill my comment section with your lots of comments hehe.

I know this chapter is a bit shorter but I finally wrote it.
Also how do you guys like the chapter?

Fav scene?

Any ideas for Tae X Y/n scenes pls share your ideas.


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