Chapter 20

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Tae: huhh? Why?
Jungkook took a breath: no hyung- I meant to say i need to- to apologize to her. And the break is almost over you have lectures too. So let me go check on her. You can do it after classes.

Tae looked at him confused but nodded.
Both of them went out. Jungkook went to infirmary to see y/n while Tae went to the take his lecture.

In infirmary,
Alice: y/n I am so sorry you had to do it for me

Y/n: are you crazy you don't need to apologize it's not your fault.

Naoh: y/n's right.

Someone came and handed Alice her phone which mia left at the cafeteria table after seeing the chaos.

Noah: are you okay now y/n?

Alice: we will teach a good lesson to that mia

Noah: i swear. let her watch the consequences of her actions

Y/n: i am fine. But wait was Tae there? He saw all that. Oh noo -she panicked

Alice: you mean Mr. Kim?

Y/n hummed. She was panicking now thinking what if tae also saw this

Noah: yes he helped you and he took Jungkook with him too. I don't know why. Wait why are you calling him by his name?

Y/n: uhh actually don't tell anyone but he is Jungkook's cousin brother from maternal side.

Alice: ohh. He was looking angry btw

Soon Jungkook came
Jungkook: y/n are you okay now?

Y/n: y-yes oppa. I am sorry -she saw Jungkook furious in cafeteria so she was scared of him too

Jungkook: wait when did you start calling me oppa -he chuckled

Y/n: I was scared.  Wait aren't you angry with me?

Jungkook: i am but you are not well yet and I know there might be a reason too. So now tell me why did you do it?

Y/n was looking down. She didn't say anything

Noah: let me tell you (she explained everything to Jungkook)

Jungkook: ohh y/n what do i do with you. I don't know whether to praise you or scold you -he facepalmed

Y/n slowly looked at him: i am sorry -waitt did you cry? What happened? -she just saw his face

Jungkook was taken aback: n-no I didn't

Y/n: you did now tell me
Jungkook sighed knowing she won't shutup without knowing the reason: Mr. Kim happened

Y/n: whatt?

Alice: oh my god! Don't tell me he thought you smoked?

Jungkook nodded slowly

Noah: Holy sh*tt

Y/n was looking at them with wide eyes. She never wanted Jungkook to take consequences of her actions.

Y/n: no wayy this can't be happening. I am going to tell him the truth right now. Are you crazy kook why didn't you tell him -she got up to go to Tae

Jungkook: y/n don't -he stopped her- There's no reason to tell him the truth now. It happened already let's forget it. But promise me you won't do it again. I can't loose you

Y/n: I won't
Alice and Noah: and we will make sure of it.

Y/n: but kook this is wrong let me tell him. Why are you facing the consequences when you didn't do anything

Jungkook: y/n you aren't understanding it's of no use now. The only thing that will happen is that he might punish you too. You don't need it when I have already taken it in your place

Alice and Noah: i guess he is right y/n

I am sorry -y/n cried

Jungkook: no need kiddo. I am your brother.

Y/n: but I am feeling so guilty i need to tell him -she got up again

Jungkook: y/n stopp. SIT DOWN HERE

Y/n sat down slowly: what he did?

Jungkook: huh?
Y/n: how did he punish you?

Jungkook: cane

Y/n: oh my god. Are you okay? Let me see
She held his hand and gasped seeing them.

Y/n cried: you didn't have to do this

Jungkook: it's okay kiddo. I am fine. Hyung applied ointment after.

Y/n nodded but she was crying. He hugged her from side. While Noah and Alice were caressing her hands.
Just then then the nurse came inside

Nurse: are you okay now y/n -oh MR. KIM you here. When did you came?

They all turned around and saw Tae standing at the door.

To be continued...

Hi guys! How are you all?
And how are you guys liking the story?
I know I said i will update daily after exams. But I am suffering from fever and soar throat for a couple of days so I am not able to write. I always get sick after exams maybe I tend to overwork during exams as I am a perfectionist hehe. Anyways This is a short chapter. I don't know why I am getting so sick for the past month. First I got conjunctivitis, then infection in my toenail and now this. I will write more when I will get well.
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Take care of yourself and your loved ones🫶🏻

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