Chapter 59

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Oh finally, it's time. Let's check your result y/nahh -Jungkook squealed making y/n whine more.

Yeah it's y/n's result day for her sendups, so they are staying home. Since these aren't finals so the university will simply upload the results on their website and the students were on the leave to check it from home.

And Jungkook being nosy brother, He has been pulling her leg since morning, and now y/n was on the verge of blasting off on him.

She was already nervous about it, because according to her everyone in her home was extraordinarily intelligent (well that's not wrong tho) making her self conscious.

Even though it's a normal result, but still it is the first one since she is here and no matter how much they assure her, she was scared of disappointing them.
She hasn't told her parents about it, but with her most of the brothers being related to the field, it was impossible to hide it from them.

Kook, if you don't want to taste my spatula, shut up your mouth and let her relax -Jin said from the kitchen. He was staying home with them as there were no important appointments so he decided to take a leave for the day.

And now he wanted to do something special for her since it's y/n's first result, so he was baking her favorite brownies. Y/n doesn't know about it because he didn't allow the two of them to enter the kitchen saying it's a surprise.

But for that you have to let me enter your precious kitchen hyung -Jungkook chuckled back

Jin: no way! You are forgetting I can also come out with it, now if you don't want to taste it, stop teasing my kid -he taunted back

Jungkook: oww hyung that's offensive you know. You practically abandoned me after y/n came -he pouted even though Jin can't see him.

Jin was about to say something back but,
Stop fighting guyss! -y/n shouted as she was on the verge of panic attack because the it's already five minutes past the time but the website was stuck.

(Tell me if it happens to you too, like whenever there's a result announced, websites always get stuck🤦🏻‍♀️ and my panic levels be like📈)

Okay okay sorry -both of them said at the same time because y/n shouting was a different thing in the house but they can understand her situation.

Jin: it's okay princess, relax. I know my baby will do the best -he said coming out from kitchen and sitting beside her taking her in a side hug.

Y/n just looked at him with scared eyes and nodded.

Jin: even if you don't then it's okay too. Remember these aren't finals it's okay to loose sometimes.

Jungkook: yeah baby, even if you can't be the doctor, it's okay! You know modern women are okay with doing anything so maybe you can try something else like a streetfood stall or something -he teased again to lighten up the mood but y/n glared at him making him shut up immediately.

Jin just ignored the two and refreshed the page on the laptop and finally it clicked and y/n's percentage loaded.

Jin: woah! Sweetheart! I am proud of you! -he said kissing her head as he showed her the screen.

There stood 89% in highlighted numbers.
Y/n let out a sigh of relief. But that wasn't what she was expecting. Her exams went alot better than this.

She just looked at jin with a slight smile and nodded.

Just then her phone started ringing.
She smiled seeing it was a group call from her besties.

Heyy -y/n said attending the call but pulled the phone away from her ear when Noah shouted through the phone.

Noah: ya-ahh girl you're such a disgrace to our gang! How dare you get such a percentage! -she shouted dramatically.

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