Chapter 48

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Noah nudged her from the side again: come out of your dreamland girl. It has ended already -she whispered winking at y/n

Y/n just looked at her with a playful smile as a rosy tint spread on her cheeks when she realized that she was actually daydreaming about him.

Unknown to her, the color of her cheeks was also noticed by someone else standing on the stage.

Host: That was amazing sir. But I may ask is it for someone special -he smirked. That was the students day to revenge on the professors.

Taehyung just nodded with a slight smile. The hall once again erupted with loud noises.

Y/n's heart stopped hearing him. What if there's someone else. But he was looking at her all the time. But he wouldn't mention a connection with any student here.

Alice: don't pressure your small brain. That's definitely you he is talking about.

Y/n: umm really -she was suddenly nervous. She wants to be his first priority. Many girls are dying here for him but she wants to be the one for whom he is ready to die.

Noah: ofcourse just look how he is starting at you all the time -she smiled.

Y/n looked up. Tae shared a glance at her before before heading down the stage. After that there was another performance but two hearts were thinking about each other only gracefully ignoring their surroundings.

The the dinner was served. Y/n and her friends met Jungkook's friends too. After that there were some soft music playing in background as people enjoyed themselves.
Some were dancing. Some were doing photoshoots.

Taehyung so badly wanted to ask y/n for a dance but he knew the relationship between a professor and student will only arise controversies.

And what added fury to fire was when Eunwoo asked y/n for dance. She was hesitant but she can't deny as it was a friendly gesture. So she reluctantly agreed.

But here someone was literally burning seeing this scene. This would be the last thing he wanted to witness tonight. But he knows he doesn't have a right on her yet so she is not answerable to him.

He was about to leave when jimin held his hand and signed him to not do anything.

Jungkook noticed this and he took Noah to dance stage. Both of them were dancing slowly whispering to each other.

Jungkook: Tae hyung looks like he can kill Euno with his stares.
Noah chuckled: hmm seems like he is falling hard for our y/n.

Jungkook: I think he is in love already.
Noah: oh my! I am so excited to witness a school romance. I hope they confess soon.

Jungkook: yeah but Let's exchange partners before poor Euno becomes the food of this hungry tiger.
Noah chuckled: okay

And like that he gestured Eunwoo and swirled Noah that she landed in his arms. And he had already twirled Y/n and she landed in Jungkook's arms at the same time.

Jungkook and y/n danced for sometime in slow motion.
Y/n: koo I am tired let's sit somewhere now.
Jungkook nodded immediately: are you okay?

Y/n: yeah just tired.
Jungkook immediately took her to the table and made her sit on the chair.

The night was about to end. Everyone had enjoyed so much but now the people were tired.

Tae had a bitter feeling inside his heart but his mind knew y/n is innocent and he was no one to judge her.

Soon they were about to go home when y/n said she wanted to bid bye to her friends.

Yoongi volunteered to wait for her as others headed out.

Y/n immediately hugged her friends and now they were about to head outside as yoongi held her hand but halted when a voice stopped them.

Oh Yoongi is that you? Mr. Kang spoke as he saw them coming from the opposite direction.

Yoongi looked at him for a moment: ohh hello sunbaenium how are you? -he smiled at him.

Mr. Kang: I am good. Tell me how are you? Long time no see
Y/n cursed under her breath. Seems like these two are close. She wants to vanish from here before her secrets come out.
She sighed looking at her hand which Yoongi was holding. She can't run.
Not like she can run with these heels.

Yoongi: I am good. Yeah we went to different colleges then I lost your contact too. So yeah I guess.
Mr. Kang: yeah life happens. Btw how are you here?

Yoongi: oh yeah meet my baby sister. Y/n say hi, he is my senior from high school but we were more like friends.
Y/n gulped. If it was some other time, her heart would be warm hearing the way he addressed her but now her heart was sinking in her chest.

Mr. Kang: oh no need. She is my student. But I didn't know she is your sister. Oh so you're her guardian? -he said as if remembering something.

Yoongi: yeah but how do you know?
Mr.Kang: from your signatures ofcourse.

Yoongi: wait. What signatures?
Y/N felt she was going to throw up soon. She could never think, that things would take a turn like this.

Mr. Kang: obviously the ones you did on her exam two days ago.
Yoongi was about to say something but he looked at y/n and one look at her face he could tell she messed something up. So he decided to talk about it at home.

Yoongi: oh yeah that one. I had forgotten -he forced a smile.
Mr. Kang: no problem. But y/n you should take her studies seriously. Anyways we should plan a meetup soon.

Yoongi: Suree let's do it someday.
Mr. Kang then exchanged his phone number with yoongi: okay I'll take my leave now. See you soon.

Yoongi also bid him bye.
As soon as he left y/n turned to yoongi: o-oppa

Yoongi: shhh, we will talk at home. Let's go -he took her out without waiting for her response as he knew she won't reply.

Y/n was shaking in anxiety by now. This is the first time she is caught by her brother. She doesn't know what reaction to expect.

Yoongi could feel her palm getting sweaty in his hand and he knew she was nervous but he decided to ignore it for now.

To be continued...
Hi! How are you all doing?
I am good.

I know the target isn't completed on the previous chapter but I still updated as I had free time. Also I am a bit disappointed, this was the first time I had set a target for new chapter and it's not completed. Anyways I am not doing it again. I write because I like to put my imagination in words and find people who have same likings and thoughts as me. And you guys are enough for that. Thankyou to everyone who commented on the last chapter.

Also it is my friends birthday tomorrow and I want to wish her by 12 so I am trying to stay awake. That's why I wrote this chapter. I am such a sleepy head so it is hard for me to stay awake. Especially when you have to do it for something special you can't. Otherwise I can stay awake till morning hehe.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone celebrating🎉🫶🏻

Now Give your honest feedback on the chapter pls and do lots of inline comments if you like it.

Till then take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Their Princess and His QUEENWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt